We are not captured by the Gupta family - NUM

Union says it did receive R1,5m sponsorship money from Oakbay to fund its Central Committee in June

The NUM is not captured by the Gupta family

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is shocked and disgusted by a news report last night on eNCA that the union has been captured by the Gupta family.

This is an appalling circus where a senior journalist from a reputable media house will run a sensitive story without meticulously investigated facts but only relying on one interview that he did with the NUM General Secretary David Sipunzi who was trying to set the record straight. There is no doubt that Xoli Mngambi only relied on this interview to support his unproven allegations. The NUM General Secretary David Sipunzi had nothing to hide and it is the reason why eNCA was granted the interview.

We beg to be spared of this appalling circus until Xoli Mngambi and the eNCA can produce meticulously investigated facts that the NUM has been captured by the Guptas. This is a reckless story meant to damage the reputation of the NUM and its leaders.

There is so much garbage that we read and see in the media in South Africa and Xoli Mngambi story is one of them. Journalists like Xoli Mngambi have been trained to seek entertainment than the truth. This is a serious investigative news story that is going to tarnish the image of the NUM and its leaders without meticulously investigated facts.

It is also disturbing that during the interview the NUM General Secretary David Sipunzi mentioned the name of the current Deputy President Joseph Montisetse as one of the people who confided in him that Shiva Uranium lent him a car to use in 2012. Xoli Mngambi never bothered to interview Joseph Montisetse about the allegations. A lot of names were also mentioned in the interview and again Xoli Mngambi never interviewed them.

The NUM can confirm that it received R1,5 Million sponsorship money from Oakbay to fund its Central Committee that was held in June this year. The money was paid directly to the service provider for accommodation. It was never paid to the NUM's account. It is a normal process that every time when there is a congress or central committee, we fundraise and there is nothing wrong with that. There are other companies that were approached for sponsorship money to contribute towards the NUM central committee. The NUM is not captured by the Guptas and it will never be captured by anyone.

This story was done with great haste and without any concrete evidence. The NUM is not going to comment until Xoli Mngambi and the eNCA can provide us with meticulously investigated facts that the NUM has been captured by the Guptas.

The NUM recorded the whole interview because we knew that this appalling circus was going to be reported. The appalling circus was reported powerfully and emotionally, but it does not have meticulously investigated facts that speak truth to power.

Statement issued by Livhuwani Mammburu: NUM National Spokesperson, 18 November 2016