Why is Donald Grant still in office? - ANC WCape

Marius Fransman says MEC's persistence with school closures is ill-considered and callous (July 18)

MEC Grant must face people in Valhalla Park: ANC again challenges DA education MEC

The Western Cape ANC wants to know why the DA's education MEC Donald Grant is still in his office and not yet fired for a series of scandals.

The ANC has once more clearly showed he has no clue of education and the needs of children. His latest pronouncement on the threat to the lives of many school children is ill-considered and callous. He lurches from crisis to silliness, while he is hell-bent to close 27 schools. 

Grant yesterday told to the media if children (whose school closes down) are afraid to walk through no-go rival gang territories due to threats of firearm crossfire or being hurt, they should form groups to proceed through such areas.

ANC provincial leader Marius Fransman says: "I am shocked, dismayed, angered and surprised that Grant could utter such madness. Grant now wants our children to be mowed down in bulk in such areas as Valhalla Park! This the ANC can never allow.

"Grant is not just out of touch with reality and education; he is also completely out of touch with his own party's stance on gangs. His party has given up and calls for soldiers to move into these areas, while he says defenceless learners must enter and be satisfied with crossing adversarial areas. Does he really think gathering our children into bigger targets is the solution?

"This is more evidence that Grant is about to disrupt the lives of thousands of learners and hundreds of teachers without a clear plan for children or any regard for the consequences of his reckless intentions. He clearly shows that the interest of the children is not vital to him. He is not-fit-for-purpose and must go!

"Real concerns, like that of people in Valhalla Park, are merely brushed away in disdain. The only reply he could come up with was to treat the children like they have an unfounded fear of the dark. They must now seek safety in numbers while live bullets fly around them! Can you believe Grant is content with our children to be slain in droves?"

The ANC challenges Grant to say whether he will come with International Relations and Co-operation Deputy Minister Fransman to Valhalla Park in two weeks' time to explain this position directly to concerned parents and learners. So far he ducked and dived out of challenges to withdraw his notices of intend to close the schools and engage with the communities directly.

"Then we will see how brave he is. He must face the people he underestimates on such a very serious matter of their children's safety," Fransman added.

Statement issued by Marius Fransman, ANC Western Cape leader, July 18 2012

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