Why punish small businesses and allow big ones freer rein?
5 May 2020
The private sector’s experience of Level 5 Covid-19 lockdown regulations has had a dramatic and negative impact, abruptly confining owners, managers, administrators and workers to their homes. After five weeks of lockdown, it is obvious that the small business sector has taken the biggest hit.
Level 4 Lockdown has eased the situation to some extent, but the small business sector stares into a deeper abys of despair than ever. Many enterprise owners that have kept their workers paid – sometimes foregoing their own pay – can no longer do so, having fallen between the regulatory cracks by not being deemed formal enough to qualify for aid, or by simply being unable to wait any longer for their applications for help to be processed.
Other enterprises are left in limbo, unable to get clarity on whether they and their workers can or cannot get back to work. In their case, the fault often lies with the sloppy, hurried drafting of the new permissions. This creates a fog of confusion covering the official decision-making process.
The Western Cape has twice been the victim of such a fog, either by design or by accident. Sensible lobbying reversed the first ban on wine exports – much to the relief of the Treasury, one suspects. The second time it was a victim, though sharing the pain with other provinces, it was the Level 4 ban on the resumption of private construction projects, while allowing “public works projects”.