Xingwana fails to answer key questions - Helen Lamoela

DA MP says minister doesn't seem to understand mandate of her dept

Minister Xingwana fails to answer key questions 

Yesterday, the Democratic Alliance (DA) made a formal submission to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to request an investigation into the failure of the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities (DWCPD) to realise and promote the rights of people with disabilities.

In her press briefing on the issue today, the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Lulu Xingwana welcomed the intervention of the SAHRC, saying that her department is "ready for them".

The Minister claims that the DA does not understand the mandate of the department. In the briefing today, Minister Xinwana struggled to identify five concrete ways in which the department's monitoring and coordinating function has impacted on the lives of people with disabilities. It is thus obvious, that it is in fact the Minister herself who is not clear on her mandate or how to deliver on it.

Consider the facts:

The Minister confirmed the 66% under-expenditure in the disabilities programme. She also took great pains to highlight the lack of capacity in her department. In 2011/2012 the department already allocated 24.31% of its budget to compensation for employees. Reports to the appropriations committee indicate that this budget is likely to be overspent. The 2012/2013 budget for salaries represents more than a third of the department's budget.

It is therefore inconceivable that staff capacity can be this department's main problem.

The Minister also mentioned that she is currently engaging with Treasury to increase the budget for her department. A department in which unauthorised and irregular expenditure exceeds the amount spent on a core programme should not qualify for budget increases.

The SAHRC confirmed today that its legal team will be making an assessment of our case. The Minister has declared herself "ready" for an investigation. She certainly did not address our key concerns today. We look forward to further feedback from the SAHRC and findings of a comprehensive investigation into the poor performance of the department.

Statement issued by Helen Lamoela MP, DA Shadow Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, April 17 2012

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