Premier Helen Zille is political disaster and is using the Western Cape storm to deflect attention from her own political storm
8 June 2017
The decision by the Western Cape Provincial Government to close schools and also encourage businesses to close was clearly an overreaction for a storm that has been part of the Western Cape weather like forever. Every year children from the Cape Flats walk to school in this type of rain and we suspect that Premier Helen Zille had another agenda with these closures that have cost the economy millions and may workers their jobs. Zille was trying to distract attention away from her own political problems with the shut down, no matter how much this was going to cost Capetonians. It is most unfortunate that lives were lost but clearly this cannot be used to justify the closures, as these deaths were not due to people being washed away by rains.
The Job of the Government is to mitigate disasters that occur, but not to shut down life as we know it, and cause further hardships for people. This gimmick of closure and press campaigns is just a further illustration of a premier that runs a province as a PR project with the media and does work to overcome and fix the problems that exist.
This forced but unnecessary shut down will have huge financial implications for the province in these trying times of a possible economic recession. This will likely lead to job losses and economic decay for the poor majority. This ill informed decision has exposed the provincial administration that it has no clue how to run a province .They are only milking the legacy of Apartheid that left unequal development but have done nothing to really provide leadership in this province.
The Premier has shown exactly how white her outlook of the world is, by only declaring a disaster for a little wind and rain, to give it special attention. Sure everybody liked the idea of a day off in the middle of the week and we must ere on the side of caution. But herein lays the contradiction, of how the Premier governs when it comes to black lives and white lives. All areas of crisis must be prioritised, not only those that affect white lives.