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"Capitec's results unpacked: Be very afraid!" - Alec Hogg's

And nine other of the best read articles on the website this week

The ten best read articles on the website this week are:

Capitec's results unpacked: drop the hype, check the numbers - and be afraid

Five of the best money tips I've ever heard, some in strangest of places

Capitec's half year financial results frighten me - and I don't even own the stock.

Bernard Swanepoel: Incentives are the corporate equivalent of Vitamin C

Why African Entrepreneurs Outperform Their Peers When the Playing Field Is Leveled

Three words from a twenty-something to well meaning elders - please piss off.

It's do or die for NUM and AMCU as they prepare for Mother of all Trade Union Wars

Allegations of corruption, predatory pricing, incompetence. Boss "in meetings". Another day at SAA.

Irrational exuberance - Greenspan's term aptly describes JSE heavyweights circa 2013

SA's Labour Relations lies in tatters. The timebomb is ticking.

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