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Journalists walk-out of briefing after 2 hour wait for Bathabile Dlamini

Minister was scheduled to brief media about her dept's operational plans

Journalists stage walk-out from Sassa briefing after waiting two hours for minister

Polokwane - Disgruntled journalists staged a walk-out on Thursday after Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini was two hours late for a media briefing in Polokwane.

Dlamini was scheduled to brief the media about her department's operational plans amid lingering questions over Sassa's ability to deliver social grants when the extended contract with Cash Payment Services ends.

On Tuesday, Dlamini failed to pitch at the hearing in Parliament, and instead, acting Sassa boss Pearl Bhengu was sent to account to the Parliamentary committee over social grants contract progress.

Journalist Nicholas Munzhedzi said the treatment by department officials was unprofessional and it was a high level of disrespect.

"They didn't tell us anything, not even communication, to inform about the progress or programme delay, it’s an insult for media to be taken for granted," said Munzhedzi.

This comes a month after The Times reported that over 20 KwaZulu-Natal journalists walked out of a regional ANC press briefing in Durban following an hour delay and with no proper explanation from party leadership.
