Brand Union embraces consumer experience design
by Herman Manson. Brand Union's South African agency is reframing its positioning, moving from a brand design agency to what its MD, Mathew Weiss, refers to as a consumer experience design agency.
On My Mind: Personal marketing in a global village
by Jerry Mpufane. It is possible to differentiate our brands, have our voices heard, and build meaningful customer relationships with diverse consumers. Here are some tips.
Africa Dispatches: The fine art of Mr_MediaX [interview]
by Mandy de Waal. Cebo Simphiwe Xulu speaks to us about them interwebs, the definition of art, the relationship between commerce and art, and more.
Media Redefined: WhatsApp's perfect media strategy
by Martin MacGregor. Just like when you’re on WhatsApp, a brand has a choice in how it’s going to talk to consumers.
Motive: Marketing united — managing the B2B customer experience
by Mark Eardley. In B2B organisations, the blame for a widespread indifference to marketing’s role lies entirely with the function itself.