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DA lays complaints against Beaufort West Mayor

Party says they received a number of complaints of racists and bigoted comments made by Truman Prince

DA lays complaints against Beaufort West Mayor Truman Prince over 'racist' comments

12 July 2016

Cape Town – The DA in the Western Cape has filed a complaint with the South African Human Rights Commission against ANC Beaufort West Mayor Truman Prince.

This was regarding "racist and bigoted" comments the mayor had made, the DA’s Sharna Fernandez said.

She said they had received a number of complaints from members of the public in Beaufort West.

"These complaints range from him calling members of the public " dom ape" ( stupid monkeys ), to insulting people living with disabilities," she said.

But Prince has denied the allegations against him.

"It’s blatant lies," he told News24 on Tuesday.

Fernandez handed over affidavits to the commission in Cape Town on Tuesday.

"We find it unacceptable that a sitting mayor, 22 years into democracy, can make such bigoted and racist comments," she said.

She said the DA would continue to fight against racism and other forms of discrimination.

"Truman Prince has, on many occasions, trampled on the basic human rights of the people of Beaufort West and it is time he is stopped. We cannot allow the ANC in the Western Cape to bully the people of this province.

"His comments have no place in a constitutional democracy underpinned by the values of freedom, dignity and equality.”

This article first appeared on News24, see here