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"Magic marriage muthi!" - Daily Sun

"Satisfied ladies say this sangoma can catch your dream man for just R2,50!" - front page lead, December 19 2014

Daily Sun (December 19 2014) - MEN, don't be surprised by a sudden urge to settle down and marry. It could be sangoma Paseka Phakathi's muthi at work.


Women flock to sangoma and prophet Phakathi (26) for his bargain cure for men too scared to make a commitment.

And many people say the sangoma's marriage muthi really does make reluctant boyfriends pop the question.

Queues at the sangoma's house are the talk of Silvertown in Bekkersdal, Gauteng.

The People's Paper has chosen not to name the women to protect the pride of their husbands.

One smiling 28-year-old woman said she's happily married today thanks to the sangoma's help.

She told of her frustration after living with her boyfriend for more than five years and having a child by him.

"He always said he wanted to marry me, but he didn't seem serious. He had a girlfriend outside," she said.

Sometimes she thought of giving up on him and looking for a man who would marry her.

Then she heard about sangoma Phakathi.

"He told he was willing to help me."

Two weeks later, her boyfriend proposed.

Another satisfied customer, aged 34, told of her joy after her boyfriend paid lobola for her.

"I had been in many relationships," she said.

"But the men I dated were not serious, so when I got this one I told myself I wasn't going to be played any more.

"I wanted someone serious enough to commit," she said.

Phakathi said he's lost count of all the women who have come to him to secure marriages.

"I love to see women happy and married. It's my job to help them secure a home and good man," he said.

Phakathi said he uses muthi and the Bible to help with marriages and marital problems.

"I also like using water to connect people to God."

"Woman who come to me have to use muthi and believe they will attract marriage, because then they do."

He said he prays with them and gives them water which he has prayed for.

"They only have to pay me R2,50."

The sangoma says he also uses muthi to solve marriage problems and people just have to follow his instructions.

 See the Daily Sun's new website for more on this and other stories....


The Daily Sun is South Africa's largest daily newspaper with an average circulation of 274 165 (Audit Bureau of Circulations 2nd Quarter 2014) and a readership of 5.7m (as per AMPS 2012ab). Its Facebook page can be accessed here. It can be followed on Twitter here. To find about advertising on the Daily Sun click here.

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