President, parties, and organisations pay tribute to Pravin Gordhan

President says we remain grateful for his life of service and his sustained striving for realisation of vision and dictates of Constitution

President Cyril Ramaphosa mourns passing of former Minister and SARS Commissioner Pravin Gordhan

13 September 2024

President Cyril Ramaphosa is deeply saddened by the passing of lifelong activist and former Minister of Public Enterprises Mr Pravin Gordhan, who has passed away at the age of 75, following a period of illness.

President Ramaphosa offers his deep condolences to Mr Gordhan’s spouse, Ms Vanitha Raju, daughters Anisha and Priyesha, as well as the former Minister’s older brother, Manecklal Gordhan, and sister Shanta Harilal.

The President’s thoughts are with former Minister Gordhan’s extended family, comrades, associates and organisations with whom he established relationships as a family and community member, freedom fighter, public sector executive and Member of the National Executive.

He served as Minister of Finance from 2009 until 2014 and again from 2015 until 2017.

He also served as Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs from 2014 until 2015, and as Minister of Public Enterprises from February 2018 until his March 2024 announcement of planned retirement.

Mr Gordhan was appointed as Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service in 1999, after a period as Deputy Commissioner.

His contribution to the public sector arose from his involvement in the anti-apartheid struggle, including his role in student and civic movements in the 1970s and ‘80s, as an executive member of the Natal Indian Congress and military military operative in the armed wing of the African National Congress.

During South Africa’s transition to democracy and in the early years of the new dispensation, Mr Gordhan played a leading role in the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) multi-party dialogue and was later appointed as Chairperson of the Parliamentary Constitutional Committee.

2023 marked 50 years since Mr Gordhan graduated from the University of Durban-Westville with a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree which led to him working at the King Edward VIII Hospital in Durban from 1974 to 1981.

In the early 1980s, his activism led to his dismissal from the hospital, as well as detention by police and banning orders.

President Ramaphosa said: “We have lost an outstanding leader whose unassuming persona belied the depth of intellect, integrity and energy with which he undertook his activism, his duty as a parliamentarian and his roles as a member of Cabinet.

“Pravin Gordhan’s personal sacrifices and his endeavours and achievements in various sectors of our society endowed him with the insights, empathy and resilience that fuelled his service to the nation.

“In the latter years of this service to the nation, and as a beacon of our fight against corruption, Pravin Gordhan stood up to derision and threats emanating from some in our nation who were scorched by his insistence that justice be dispensed against those who sought to undermine our democracy and raid our public resources and assets.

“During his decades of revolutionary dedication to making South Africa a better place, Pravin Gordhan and his family were deprived of much needed and deserved time together.

“As we mourn his passing, we remain grateful for his life of sacrifice and service and his sustained striving for the realisation of the vision and dictates of our Constitution.

“We carry his family in our thoughts and prayers at this time.”


Solidarity pays tribute to former Minister Pravin Gordhan

Solidarity mourns the death of former Minister Pravin Gordhan. We also express our deepest sympathy to his family.

Solidarity worked closely with Gordhan as the Minister of Public Enterprises. He was a formidable negotiator but was also open to conversation. He genuinely put the country's interests first and hated state capture.

The country has lost a giant.


GOOD expresses our deepest condolences to the family of Pravin Gordhan

The GOOD party wishes to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Mr Pravin Gordhan. 

The former Minister of Public Enterprises and anti-apartheid activist passed away at the age of 75. 

Gordon spent most of his life fighting against injustice, toward a free and better South Africa for all.

His leadership during the transition to democracy and later in the public sector reflected unwavering integrity and dedication to his country. 

As South Africans, we are grateful for his service and, in particular, his commitment and resilience in fighting corruption. 

South Africa has lost a leader whose deep loyalty to our Constitution will never be forgotten. 

May his soul rest in peace.


COSATU mourns the passing of comrade Pravin Gordhan

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) mourns the passing of comrade Pravin Gordhan.  Former Minister Gordhan has run his race.  He has served the nation and the mass democratic movement with distinction.  We remain in debt to comrade PG and the Gordhan family for his selfless sacrifices.

Comrade PG’s life was dedicated to the liberation of not only his immediate community through his activism in the Durban Housing Action Committee, but to the nation at large through the United Democratic Front.  Pravin could have enjoyed a relatively comfortable life as a pharmacist but chose instead to spend every free moment building the liberation movement from the African National Congress to the South African Communist Party, including a playing key role in Umkhonto we Sizwe’s Operation Vula (the real MK).  He showed nerves of steel that few of today’s peace time heroes could imagine, including surviving brutal torture in detention. 

Pravin’s dedication to building a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist South Africa, continued with the drafting of our progressive Constitution and the formation of Parliament.  He played a central role in the Mandela and Mbeki administrations with his sterling work transforming the South African Revenue Service into a world class institution, tackling tax avoidance and ensuring the democratic state has the funds needed to transform society.  The 60% of the budget spent investing in uplifting working class communities today is Pravin’s legacy.

PG was not a dogmatic ideologue.  When the 2008 global economic crisis and its aftermath engulfed the world, then Minister for Finance, Gordhan, embarked upon a bold economic package to stabilise and stimulate the economy. 

When Minister Gordhan should have been allowed to enjoy his final years in retirement, at home with his family, he accepted President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for one last tour of service.  Against very difficult circumstances resulting from the chapter of state capture and corruption unleashed by some leaders once entrusted to lead, Minister Gordhan managed to lead efforts to ensure Eskom overcame the most devastating period of loadshedding that threatened thousands of jobs and the revival of the economy.  Today once again, South African Airways, is flying the skies.

Comrade Pravin was a forthright leader.  He said what he felt.  He pushed you to do better.  His integrity, principles and commitment were never in doubt.  Tragically given his decades of service to the liberation of South Africa and to building a better life for all, we missed the opportunity to allow him to enjoy the final chapter in a long-deserved retirement.  We are comforted by knowing, that comrade PG was at his happiest in working for the people.

History will judge Cde. PG as a hero who played his role.  He was not infallible or perfect, like all of us.  But he was there when times were dark, and he made his mark. 

Hamba kahle qabane.  Qhawe lama qhawe.


DA mourns the passing of Pravin Gordhan

It is with deep sadness that the DA marks the passing of Pravin Gordhan, a stalwart of South Africa’s liberation struggle and a towering figure in our democratic journey. From his early days as an anti-apartheid activist to his tenure as SARS Commissioner, and a Cabinet Minister, Minister Gordhan dedicated his life to building a better South Africa for all.

His leadership as SARS Commissioner transformed our revenue services into a world-class institution, setting a foundation for economic stability and social upliftment.

As Finance Minister, he stood as a bulwark against corruption, navigating the country through economic storms and protecting the treasury as part of the fight against state capture.

Minister Gordhan’s commitment to protecting our democratic institutions, especially during his time as Minister of Finance, will forever be remembered as a cornerstone of his legacy. His bravery in the face of immense pressure, as he stood firm to safeguard the nation’s future, is an inspiration to all of us who strive for good governance and integrity.

His life was one of service, and in the spirit of our Government of National Unity, his legacy reminds us of the duty we share across political divides to protect and nurture our democracy, our institutions and our constitution.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and colleagues. South Africa has lost a true patriot, a protector of its institutions, and a tireless public servant.

Rest in peace, Pravin Gordhan. Your contribution to our nation’s freedom, integrity, and future will never be forgotten.


Eskom expresses deep sorrow over the passing of former Public Enterprises Minister, Pravin Gordhan

Eskom joins the rest of South Africa and the global community in mourning the passing of former Public Enterprises Minister, Mr. Pravin Gordhan. Mr. Gordhan was a pivotal figure in Eskom’s transformation, driving critical reforms that set the foundation for the utility’s future. He was instrumental in initiating the legal separation of Eskom into Generation, Transmission, and Distribution entities.

His vision, outlined in the 2019 Department of Public Enterprises Roadmap for Eskom in a reformed Electricity Supply Industry, led to the creation of the National Transmission Company South Africa (NTCSA), which began operations in July this year. This marked a key milestone in South Africa’s efforts to reform the electricity sector, boost efficiency, and promote transparency.

"On behalf of the Eskom Board, executives, and all staff, I would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to the family of Mr. Pravin Gordhan. His strategic guidance and unwavering support were essential to the current board’s efforts to restore Eskom’s performance. He consistently stood by this Board, management, and employees during his time as Minister. His legacy will live on through us as we rebuild a high performance and ethical Eskom," said Eskom Board Chairperson, Mteto Nyati.

We send our deepest sympathies to his loved ones, knowing that his contributions will forever be remembered as a vital part of South Africa’s progress.

May his soul rest in peace!


Parliament statement on the passing of former minister Gordan

The Presiding Officers of Parliament, National Assembly Speaker, Ms Thoko Didiza, and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, Ms Refilwe Mtshweni-Tsipane, express their profound sadness and deepest condolences on the passing of former Minister Mr Pravin Gordhan at the age of 75.
Mr Gordhan was a lifelong activist and dedicated public servant who fought against apartheid and contributed to South Africa's transition to democracy. He was among the first generation of parliamentarians following the 1994 democratic breakthrough that contributed immensely to shaping the course of our democracy through, amongst others, setting up democratic institutions, systems and laying a firm foundation for legislative reform.
His service in the cabinet and public service, including his stewardship of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) and his roles as Minister of Finance, Cooperative Governance, and later Public Enterprises, demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the betterment of public institutions through ethical governance, transparency and economic reform. During his tenure at SARS, Mr Gordhan served with diligence and integrity and, together with his capable team, transformed the institution into a world-class tax and customs administration.
The Presiding Officers said: "We convey our heartfelt condolences to his family, friends and comrades in the African National Congress on this sad loss.”

ActionSA extends condolences to erstwhile Minister Pravin Gordhan

ActionSA extends condolences to the loved ones of former Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan. A longstanding public servant, his contribution to South Africa’s political and economic landscape over five decades was considerable.

During his tenure as Minister of Finance, Gordhan was known for his firm stance on fiscal discipline and his fight against corruption, notably standing against the forces of state capture. His leadership at the South African Revenue Service (SARS) helped strengthen tax collection and improve the country’s revenue base.

In his later role as Minister of Public Enterprises, he worked to stabilize state-owned enterprises like Eskom and Transnet during challenging times.

Our thoughts go out to his family and friends during this difficult time.


The ANC mourns the passing of Comrade Pravin Gordhan

The African National Congress (ANC) dips its banners as it mourns the passing of Comrade Pravin Gordhan, a courageous soldier of our movement who dedicated his life fighting for and in the service of our people.

Cde Pravin Gordhan served the movement and the people of South Africa diligently from an early age at a time when our people faced the most brutal repression. His role in the underground structures of the movement, the labour and mass democratic movement and Umkhonto weSizwe (including Operation Vula) affirmed his commitment to the cause of our people and cemented his dedication to freedom and social justice. His life was a beacon of courage, and his contributions to the fight for a non-racial, non-sexist, and democratic South Africa will forever remain etched in the annals of our history.

Comrade Pravin played a pioneering role in the transformation of Local Government in the country serving as chairperson of the Political Committee that drove the drafting of the Local Government chapter in the Constitution and White Paper on Local Government working closely with Comrade Vali Moosa during 1997-8. He further served this country as SARS commissioner building a world-renowned institution that optimally serves the people of South Africa. Comrade Pravin also served our people in various capacities as a cabinet minister of COGTA, Finance and Public Enterprises.

The ANC calls upon all members and citizens from all walks of life to honour his memory by reaffirming their commitment to the ideals of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa, that truly belongs to all its peoples. His selfless dedication to the values of the African National Congress and the people's struggle is a legacy we must uphold as we continue to advance the principles of our Freedom Charter.

His passing serves as a solemn reminder that the work to transform South Africa is far from complete. Let us draw inspiration from his courage, dedication and unwavering resolve, as we continue our collective efforts to build a better, united, and prosperous nation.

We send our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones during this difficult time. We stand with the people of South Africa, the entire ANC membership, and all progressive forces across the globe in mourning this loss.

Gordhan played a pivotal role in developing SA

13 September 2024

The Ministry of Finance, headed by Mr Enoch Godongwana, expresses sadness at the passing of Mr Pravin Gordhan early on Friday morning, September 13, 2024. On behalf of the Ministry and National Treasury, Minister Godongwana offers condolences and sympathy to the Gordhan family, wishing them comfort and understanding during this difficult period.

Mr Gordhan played a pivotal and outstanding role in the development of democratic South Africa’s financial and fiscal architecture during his tenure as the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) between 1999 and 2009, and later as Minister of Finance from 2009 and 2014 and 2015 to 2017.

“Pravin brought commitment, knowledge and care to every role that he served in, in the Government. He deeply appreciated the role that the transformation of the economy and the judicious management of the country’s finances could play in the lives of South Africans from all walks of life,” said Minister Godongwana.

“He never shirked responsibility or wavered on matters of principle. He understood that it was through building and protecting the institutions given life by the Constitution, such as the National Treasury and the Revenue services, that the goals of equality and shared prosperity could be achieved and sustained.”