SA imperialism vs the revolution

Justice Piitso says that at the core of the DA are a few white males whose mission is to protect Apartheid ownership patterns

South African imperialism is manipulating the provisions of the sun set clause to undermine transformation of our society

Our national general elections will herald a decisive moment in the history of the struggles of the people of our country. Our people will been afforded an opportunity to elect the true public representatives of their own choice.

Throughout the history of human development, elections have proven to be a universally accepted system through which people can use their democratic right to vote, to determine power relations in society. It is for this reason that our people understand the political significance of the forth coming elections to be an opportunity afforded to them by their struggles, to determine their own destiny.

The most difficult and complex realities of the present world situation is that under the new epoch of our struggles, colonialism is reproducing itself as neo colonialism. Colonial masters are appearing in a new form to influence and determine power relations in the former colonies and semi colonies.

Therefore our revolutionary Alliance has an immediate task to ensure that the people of our country use the opportunity of the forthcoming elections, to mount a mother of all battles to defeat the South African imperialism led by the democratic alliance. Its primary and strategic objective is to protect the foundations of the post Apartheid colonial socio economic architecture

We have a political responsibility to ensure that the ANC gets an overwhelming majority in the coming elections. The ANC remains to be the only political formation in our country with the necessary capacity to spearhead the socio economic transformation of our society.

Our task therefore is to raise the levels of the political conscienceless of our people, to enable them to occupy the forefront trenches of our struggles, to ensure that we defend our revolution and our future. South African imperialism is manipulating the provisions of the sun set clauses in our constitution to undermine our effort to accelerate transformation of our society.

It is our primary task to make sure that our people understand underlying reasons why the South African imperialism will leave no stone unturned to make sure that the ANC does not get the overwhelming two third majority in the coming elections. The biggest fear of the enemy of our revolution is to see our people commanding the necessary sufficient majority to change the property clause in our constitution.

The South African imperialism under the leadership of the DA, is using all the resources it has accumulated during the centuries of colonial oppression and exploitation to undermine our collective effort to improve the socio economic living conditions of our people. Its focus is to undermine the achievements of our revolution.

Therefore the offensive propaganda by the Democratic Alliance against the collective leadership role of the ANC, under the pretext of defending the constitution, is a bluff to undermine our collective effort of the people of our country to decide the destiny of their own future. The main reason why the enemy will use divide and rule tactics to undermine the unity and cohesion of our revolutionary Alliance.

The overall strategy and tactics of the hostile forces opposed to transformation is to distort the theory of the South African revolution. Without fear of any contradictions, we must make it categorically clear that the strategic objective of our struggles is still the liberation of the black people in general and the African people in particular. 

The theory of our national democratic revolution can not just be reduced to a tendency by the democratic alliance to decorate its leadership echelons with innocent black faces whilst we know that deep at the core of the hierarchy of its leadership, is a group of few white males, whose mission is to protect the Apartheid socio economic ownership patterns.

Our people cannot just be confused by the abstract theoretical formulations by the leader of Agang South Africa, Dr Mamphele Ramphele, on the most important question of the leadership role of women, in the current phase of our struggles for liberation. It is a fallacy to wake from your deep sleep just because you are women and you can wear tall heels and with a red lipstick on your lips, and think that therefore you can be the President of our country. 

We need to condemn those opportunistic leaders who want to abuse the objectives realities the women of our country and the world find themselves in. We are mindful of the reactionary cultural stereotypes that have our women to be instruments of men and at the same the imperialist colonial system which has reduced them as objects of exploitation and a means of production.

Our people must be proud of the heroic contribution and exemplary leadership played by the South African women in our struggles for national liberation. In the whole world the ANC led government is counted amongst the leading exemplary that have consolidated the leadership role of women in society. 

It is equally ridiculous to use your muscular appearance in your tailor made suit and think you deserve to be the President for the mere fact that you are man. Our national democratic revolution is all about constructing a non racial, non sexist, prosperous and democratic society and nothing else.

We must defeat the wave of opportunism that seek to elevate the cancerous phenomenon of male chauvinism and feminism in our society. The struggles for gender equality is an integral to our overall objectives of the liberation of the whole of our society.

Our people must be conscious to the fundamental fact that our struggles against national oppression and class exploitation are inseparable.The South African imperialism seeks to divide our trade movement both from within and outside our ranks.

Our adversary, the South African imperialism, seeks to destroy the fortress of our people, which is the revolutionary Alliance led by the ANC. The unfolding events within our federation COSATU, of eminent threads and possibilities of some of the affiliates of COSATU not supporting the ANC in the forthcoming elections, is nothing else but the work of the enemy of our revolution.

It is for this fundamental reason why the unity and indispensable leadership role of our revolutionary Alliance, as the standard bearer of our revolution, becomes the principal task of all of our revolutionaries. Our people have a task to mould themselves as the true architects of their destiny.

The immediate task of the overwhelming majority of our people is to make sure that we use our democratic right to vote, to defend the tremendous gains of our national democratic revolution. With the collective leadership of the ANC under President Jacob Zuma our future is in good hands.

Phatse Justice Piitso is the former Ambassador to the republic of Cuba and the former provincial secretary of the SACP writing this article on his personal capacity.

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