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Our enemies have attacked every one of our ANC leaders

Justice Piitso says that imperialism is preparing itself for a final onslaught on the national liberation movement

There is no a single President of our national liberation movement who was never attacked by the historic enemy of our national democratic revolution.

We commence the year 2014 with great determination to take forward our struggles for the consolidation of our national democratic revolution. This is the year of the mother of all battles to ensure that our national liberation movement, the ANC, gets an overwhelming two thirds majority in the forthcoming national general elections. 

One hundred and two years of relentless struggles for national liberation is a living testimony that our movement is a true custodian of the aspirations and wishes of the overwhelming majority of the people of our country. The ANC is a standard bearer of our people in their struggles against the centuries old legacy of imperialism and colonial oppression and exploitation.

Without doubt our movement has distinguished itself to be the only political formation in our country with the necessary capacity to lead the struggles for the construction of our ideal non racial, non sexist, democratic and prosperous society. The ANC is the spear of the people, and the people are the shield of our movement.

We are determined to accomplish this important political task against the background of a hostile counter revolutionary agenda led by the Democratic Alliance. By counter revolution we refer to any tendency that seek to undermine our common collective effort for socio economic transformation of our country.

The DA is part of the reactionary world forces collaborating with international monopoly capital to undermine the struggle for the liberation of our people in the former colonies and semi colonies. In our own specific conditions its focus is to restore the Apartheid colonial ownership patterns in our society.

Throughout the world imperialism and neo colonial forces are hard at work to liquidate the struggles of our people for liberation. The reality remains to be that our unity represents an immediate thread to the  world wide system of the imperialist oppression and exploitation.

Imperialism has posed itself for a final onslaught to destroy the ANC which is the oldest national liberation movement in the continent and probably the whole world. It has become clear that by weakening the ANC, it will be weakening the determination and common struggles of our people, to make the world a better place for humanity.

Therefore the immediate task of the South African working class is to occupy the forefront trenches of our struggles to defend our national democratic revolution. The greatness of any revolution is measured by the extend to which it makes it possible for the transformation of society and how it propels the development of mankind.

The world counter revolution will always employ divide and rule tactics to erode the unity and cohesion of our national liberation movement. The reason why it has turned our country into an ultimate battle field to launch an offensive against the liberation movement in our country and the Southern African region.

One of its hallmarks is to manipulate the trade union movement to undermine the unity of liberation movements and other progressive formations across the world. We have witnessed on a number of occasions imperialism orchestrating trade union movement to overthrow revolutionary governments elected by the people.

We have witnessed a trade union movement led by Fredrick Chiluba in Zambia, being manipulated to overthrow a revolutionary government led by Dr Kenneth Kaunda. In the recent times we have witnessed repeated futile attempts to use the trade union movement being orchestrated to overthrow a revolutionary government led by the ZANU-PF in Zimbabwe. 

We are therefore not at all astonished by the futile attempts by counter revolutionary elements from the ranks of our trade union movement COSATU, to orchestrate the South African working class, not to vote the ANC in the forthcoming national general elections. Those who want to break our revolutionary alliance are the enemies of the overwhelming majority of the people of our country and the world.

Their calls for the President of our country to resign are nothing else but part of the integral strategy of counter revolution to demonise the leadership of our national liberation movement. The truth be told, there is no a single President of our national liberation movement who was never attacked by the historic enemy of our national democratic revolution.

The question as to who should be the face of the ANC in the coming national general elections is neither here nor there. Cde Jacob Zuma is the President of the ANC and therefore the face of the movement as we go into the elections. Our national conference in Polokwane has taken a decisive resolution that the President of the ANC should be the President of the country. 

Our movement has in the past twenty years of our democratic dispensation demonstrated its capacity and commitment to improve the quality of the living conditions of our people. We are the only political formation in history that has done so much to respond to the needs of its own people within this recorded short period of time.

Without fear of any contradictions, our  movement has in the past twenty years,  improve the quality of the lifes of our people hundred folds more than what the preceding colonial governments has than in the period of three hundred and sixty five years. The reason why we are confident that the ANC will continue to rule this country until Jesus Christ comes back from heaven.

In the past five years we have seen a massive improvements in all sectors of our socio economic spheres of life. We have recorded increasing numbers of matric pass rate and high enrollment of students in tertiary institutions. We have also seen massive improvements in our health sector, including drastic reduction in the numbers of HIV/AIDS infections.

Our government has initiated massive development programmes to expand our railway and road infrastructure. We have seen massive investments aimed at expanding the absorptive capacity of our economy in order to respond to the needs of our people. We continue to accelerate the programs for the provision of essential basic services such as water, electricity, housing, job creation, schools and basic health infrastructure etc. 

Together we have built a solid foundation for the future of our country. Our is to ensure that the ANC receives an overwhelming two thirds majority in the coming national general elections.

Phatse Justice Piitso is the former Ambassador to the republic of Cuba and the former provincial secretary of the SACP writing this article on his personal capacity.

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