A stable GNU in the national interest is the priority – OUTA

Organisation says public squabbling does not improve confidence in this difficult process

A stable GNU in the national interest is the priority

25 June 2024

OUTA is deeply concerned about the public squabbling over positions in the government of national unity (GNU). We believe this could jeopardise the formation of a stable and lasting GNU, which our country desperately needs.

It is essential that the needs, demands, and desires of the 10 parties within the newly formed GNU be negotiated behind closed doors. If necessary, these discussions should be facilitated by independent specialists to ensure a constructive resolution to the contentious issues.

The formation of a stable and agreed-upon GNU is crucial for building a solid foundation for South Africa's growth and prosperity. OUTA is not advocating for an excessively drawn-out process. However, if more time is required to reach an amicable and workable agreement, we would prefer to see an additional week or two taken, rather than a rushed process that could lead to ongoing conflicts or implosion of the coalition.

We need calm and composed leadership to engage in a cooperative and tolerance-seeking environment that will achieve a reasonable consensus.

In other countries such as Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, and Iraq, it took many months to form a GNU after a national election that did not produce an outright winner. If we need a few more weeks to resolve our political party differences to negotiate a robust agreement on the composition of our cabinet, then so be it. The delivery of services by government departments will continue through the current administrators.

We call for maturity, cooperation and tolerance in reaching an agreement that will prioritise the best interests of our country. Our collective future is at stake.

Issued by Wayne Duvenage, CEO, OUTA, 25 June 2024