Adam Habib should resign for saying "nigger" - EFF

Fighters say it is a blatant and filthy lie that this word is used commonly in South Africa


Friday, 12 March 2021

The EFF calls on SOAS University of London to remove the racist and idiotic liar known as Adam Habib for his use of the derogatory racial slur "nigger", while addressing students in a webinar.

In a typical display of racist arrogance, and a disregard for being called into order which was his trademark in his shameful tenure at the University of Witwatersrand, Habib refused to be corrected on his positionality and how it was historically and politically wrong for him to use the word "nigger" when he does not have the social and cultural experience of the word.

Instead of withdrawing his remarks, he went on a maniacal rage, raising his voice to defend the indefensible. Worse to that, Habib goes on to lie and suggest that the derogatory word is used commonly in South Africa, a blatant and filthy lie.

The use of words used to demean Africans, be it in the continent or the diaspora, are not cultural embedded in South African society. His lies were simply a means to avoid accountability, while continuing to offend and undermine the experiences of those who have borne the brunt of racial bigotry in the United States.

The reclamation of the phrase by African-Americans was a means to reaffirm their own identity and strip the word of its power, removing it of the weaponizing effect it held during slavery and the Jim Crow Era in the United States.

Habib has absolutely no right to use the word as he has no historical or social experience of it, and it constitutes hate speech when uttered by a bigot such as himself.

The EFF has long said that Adam Habib is a racist who suffers from an ill-conceived superiority complex which makes him undermine Africans. It was only a matter of time before his dirty attitude and racism revealed itself to the rest of the world.

Habib belongs to a long lineage of minorities in South Africa, who view themselves as custodians of thought, disrespect African people and refuse to be corrected when wrong.

We call for the immediate removal of Habib from his position as Director of SOAS University of London, as he has exhibited extreme bigotry and is unfit to lead a department that ought to intellectually lead social change.

Students from all creeds and backgrounds must take heed from the students of the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, and organize against Habib to ensure his permanent removal from the institution.

His arrogance and racism, coupled with his history of violence against African people and activists has gone without consequence for too long. Habib must be thrown in the dustbin of history where he belongs, as an intolerant, racist and failed intellectual.

Issued by the EFF, 12 March 2021