Adoption of BELA Bill consistent with our vision – ANC

Party confident all ANC MPs will vote in favour of bill as it is rooted in commitment to principles of inclusivity, equality, and progress

Adoption of the BELA Bill by Parliament

26 October 2023

Last month, September 2023, the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee adopted the Basic Education Law Amendment Bill (BELA). This development is consistent with the ANC's vision of an education system that puts society at the centre of education transformation.

Today, Parliament will be adopting the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill, which is rneant to swing wide open the doors of learning and culture for all.

Our great nation has always been built on the principles of inclusion, unity, and diversity. Our statement of inclusion will, henceforth become more than just a concept but a living reality as the BELA bill is meant to play a critical role in addressing, amongst many others,

Making Grade R compulsory,

Criminalising parents who do not ensure their children are in school,

Prohibiting the sale of alcohol on school premises,

The confirmation of the ban on corporal punishment and

The amendment of section 6 of the SASA act provides for the governing body to submit the language policy of a public school and any amendment thereof to the head of the department for approval.

We are confident that all ANC MPs will vote in favour of the adoption of the BELA bill as it is rooted in our commitment to the principles of inclusivity, equality, and social progress. The ANC has a long-standing legacy of advocating for a basic education system that delivers quality education and the holistic development of a young mind, and the BELA bill aligns perfectly with those values.

Let this day mark the turning point towards a brighter, more inclusive future.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 26 October 2023