ANC 55th national conference: Resolution on organisational renewal

Deployment strategy must be based on meritocracy, cadres must have adequate skills and capabilities



Delegates to the 55th National Conference, in the various commissions, reflected on the ongoing challenges of renewal. Conference therefore adopted the resolutions on Organisational strategy, renewal, and sustainability of the 6th National Policy Conference.

On the Organisational Culture of the ANC

55th National Conference noted that:

a) Our approach to Organisational Renewal is informed by the character of the ANC as a liberation movement that must organise, mobilise and lead the motive forces in society in pursuit of a National Democratic Society. The ANC is also a registered political party that contests elections, governs; and in some sub-national spheres, participates as opposition.

b) The organisational culture and traditions of the ANC as a movement are based on:

- Being rooted among the people, representing their interests, concerns, aspirations, transforming society and developing every community;

- Maintaining a vibrant internal democracy and supporting the principle and practice of collective leadership;

- Readiness and willingness of our members to serve, and make sacrifices in pursuit of the cause of the people as a whole;

- Readiness to acknowledge and decisively address our weaknesses in order to accelerate the people’s struggle;

- Increasing our capacity to plan, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, and their impact on the people and society;

- Upholding and building unity across all sections of our society and progressive forces in the world in pursuit of social justice across the globe.

c) The ANC must build its capacity in the five pillars of socio-economic transformation, namely the state, the economy, the battle of ideas, international work and organisational work.

d) Instructs the National Executive Committee to develop a short term renewal programme of action, which includes the following elements, with clear timeframes and a monitoring and evaluation framework, as follows:

- Implementing the resolution of the 54th Conference which said:

“Organisational renewal therefore is an absolute and urgent priority, and we may go as far as to say, to the survival of our great movement”;

- Adressing the strategic challenge of the deterioration of the political quality of membership of the ANC as successively raised at all National Conferences and NGC’s of the ANC during the period 1997 – 2022 and therefore the imperative urgently to adress the political quality of our membership, focussing on quality rather than quantity;

- Carrying out an audit of our membership on the basis of agreed objective criteria;

- A renewed vision with a renewed leadership;

- Building branches and the new membership system;

- Building the New Cadre;

- Building a non-sexist and non-racial movement;

- Fighting corruption, and organisational misconduct;

- Strengthening the accountability and performance framework;

- Strengthening elections campaign capacity;

- Mobilising and organising the motive forces and sectors;

- Strengthening the leadership selection process;

- Strengthening the Alliance.

On a Renewed Vision

Conference notes:

1) Work done by the Renewal Commission towards the development of the draft 2032 Roadmap, towards the realisation of the National Democratic Society.

2) The need to engage branches, sectors and broader society in discussions on the 2032 Roadmap, and to ensure its localisation based on the material conditions in each locality and sector.

3) The need to enhance discussions in branches, regions, provinces and the NEC, and Alliance partners on the Strategy and Tactics of the ANC, ahead of the Strategy Convention.

4) The need for meetings of RECs, PECs and the NEC to reflect on the Balance of Forces and the Programme of Renewal, from the local to the global situation, guided by the ANC’s vision and mission.

5) The renewal process must not only be an internal ANC process but must also lead to a renewal of governance, and society as a whole.

6) Conference confirms the overarching framework for renewal as recommended by the 6th National Policy Conference as:

- Renewal of values and organisational culture and ethics;

- Dealing decisively with corruption and unacceptable conduct;

- Engaging with, and pursuing the aspirations of the people;

- Taking responsibility to use the resources of the state for the people’s benefit as required by the Constitution – economically, efficiently and equitably.

Though Conference understood that strictly speaking the Renewal Plan of Action by the ANC Veterans League does not address the specific matter of the Organisational Renewal of the ANC, it reaffirmed the following key priorities within the context of the broader transformation agenda of the ANC:

7) Delivering to communities, by creating an environment where people feel hopeful, by addressing local government and basic services challenges, and building on the Letsema and other community campaigns.

8) Addressing state capture and corruption: to regain the confidence of the people, Conference expressed regret for what happened, unreservedly condemn those involved in state capture and corruption, and therefore commit to a national effort to fight corruption, working with civil society and citizens.

9) Democracy with South African characteristics: advancing the principle of participatory and people-centred democracy as set out in the Constitution of the Republic. In this regard, mobilise for peoples active participation in IDP process, public hearings, and development in communities, enhance the role of parliamentary constituency offices (PCOs), service the communities with advice, and improve the relationship between public representatives and the people. Initiate social compacting at local level with business, civil society and trade unions in order to improve food security, fight crime, GBVF and vandalism and enhance imperatives towards local economic development.

On Building the New Cadre

Conference reaffirms the recommendations of the 6th Policy conference, aimed at strengthening our Cadre Policy as follows:

10) Develop political education cells to sharpen the ideological, theoretical, policy and organisational skills of our members in order that they may excel in their organisational tasks.

11) Tailor the OR Tambo political school curriculum to meet the needs of the new ANC member.

12) Rebuild the culture of discipline and dismantle factions aimed at dissension amongst fellow comrades and the organisation. Eliminate activities informed by divisions, sexual bias, disrespect for fellow comrades and intra-organisational violence..

13) Replenish the ANC membership by drawing more young people into its ranks and leadership structures and tackle the perception that the ANC is disconnected from the struggles of young people.

14) The revival of the ANC Youth League remains critical to the renewal project, as a preparatory school. As part of the Roadmap 2032, the ANC must adopt a Ten-point plan for Youth Economic Empowerment, to decisively tackle the youth unemployment crisis.

15) Reaffirm the importance of compulsory induction and political schools for all leadership collectives and public representatives.

16) Attract skilled people with expertise that will assist our transformation agenda. The ANC must invest more resources in cadre development and bring back to the fold its intelligentsia through mobilising in various sectors. This may mean allowing for the recruitment of sectoral expertise that will assist in specific areas e.g., local government, health, education, and others.

17) We must forge a cadreship imbued with a militant, principled and fighting spirit, who, no matter the setbacks or difficulties, will never give up or betray the cause of the people.

On the role and key tasks of the ANC Branch, Conference notes and resolves that:

18) Branches are our means to stay in touch with our constituency/communities and impact on development, and our means to mobilise and organise our people. They are the first point of contact between the ANC, the motive forces and the people as a whole.

19) Branches must respond to the needs and interests of the community and mobilise the people to form partnerships for development and transformation.

20) Branches are ward-based to enable us to drive, monitor and account for delivery of services at the most local level.

21) Ward councillors must report to branches and BECs, and branches work with councillors to report to and serve the community.

22) All motive forces are represented in our local areas and branches must strive to build trust, address issues of concern and work side by side with communities.

23) To strengthen, support and reinforce the work of branches in the community through the following:

a) All branches should have sub-committees that focus on sectors, community issues and campaigns.

b) The ANC must be involved in every issue that concerns people and should drive campaigns without gate-keeping and trying to control the people.

c) Units or sub-branches can be set up to strengthen our ability to reach people directly, as reflected in the ANC Constitution.

d) Regional structures must bring branches together to plan municipal programmes, elections and hold the ANC in local government to account.

e) All branch members must be inducted within 3 months and integrated into a sub-committee to work in the community.

f) Every BEC must draw up an annual plan against which branch performance audits will be done, to achieve the following:

- Review community profile and identify sectors and their issues;

- Respond to community issues and make concrete plans on what to do as ANC, community and local government;

- Identify cadres to participate in CPF, SGB, clinic committees, and any other participation structures with the role of leading through influence and support rather than demanding leadership positions;

- Develop a sectoral outreach plan and attend meetings of other organisations;

- Analyse delivery issues and municipal plans, give ANC input and report to community, with councillors and MP/L;

- Communicate and meet with community at least three times per year and support councillor report-backs and all public participation processes;

- Develop any key local issue campaigns and roll them out;

- Advise and support anyone or any group experiencing a problem, disaster or conflict.

24) Encourage voters, especially youth, to register and assist them to do so online or at municipal electoral office.

25) Ensure compulsory BEC induction, new members induction in first six months based on the ANC Branch Manual adopted by the NEC.

26) Review ward-based branches in rural areas, given the challenges of distance and other factors. Where possible set up VD-based coordinating structures.

27) Set up sectoral branches, after developing clear criteria for establishment, role and powers of such branches

28) Branches may be deemed not in good standing if they cannot report on any community programme or activity.

On a non-sexist and non-racial movement, Conference:

29) Note progress with building a non-sexist organisation, reflected in the ANC membership and support. Advance the gender equity principle in our organisation, and the policies and programme of the ANC-led government to advance a non-sexist, non-racial society.

30) Acknowledged the persistence of patriarchal culture in the movement and society, and therefore the need for non-sexism education across the gender spectrum.

31) Mount an effective response to gender-based violence based on intersectional strategy of women emancipation that deals with the root causes of gender-based violence including patriarchy, poverty, social inequality, and unemployment.

32) Note the significant deterioration of the non-racial character of the ANC, both within membership and leadership of the movement, from branch to national.

33) Recommends a targeted strategy to organise all communities to proactively rebuild the non-racial culture and support base of the ANC.

On Leadership and Renewal, Conference resolved:

34) The unity and renewal of the ANC must be led by the President as the Political Head of the ANC, and assisted by former Presidents of the ANC. The Secretary General must be the Chief Administrator of the Renewal Project, and the Veterans of the movement must be in the forefront of renewal efforts.

35) Leadership within the Organisation must be predicated on attendance at OR School.

36) The ANC’s deployment strategy must be based on meritocracy, meaning that cadres with adequate skills and capabilities must be deployed in all spheres of government.

37) Ensure generational mix when electing leadership of the ANC. Young people must be organically developed in the ANC, so that when they are elected, are imbued in the organizational culture and its theoretic disposition. The Veterans League must assist with leadership development by guiding young members of the ANC.

38) Ensure that all leaders are elected within the framework provided by Through the Eye of a Needle.

39) Strengthen ethics of ANC members, including comrades that are deployed into positions, especially in the public sector.

40) Reaffirm the core values of the ANC as courage, service, self-sacrifice, human solidarity, integrity, temperance, humility, honesty, hard work, self-discipline and mutual respect.

On Leadership collectives

41) Instruct leadership collectives to remain preoccupied with the core tasks of building a National Democratic Society, taking in consideration strategic vulnerabilities such as service delivery failures, economic inequality and instability, the impact of climate change, and sabotage of strategic national assets.

42) NEC, PEC and REC members must be active in

their constituencies.

43) Strengthen collective leadership that is grounded on the principles of the people first, organisational renewal, introspection and upholding and living the values of the ANC. ANC leadership, as collectives and individuals must be the leading agents for progressive change and building a better life for all.

44) Dispel narratives that the ANC is self-serving and not sensitive to the lived realities of our people, by being responsive on service delivery issues, being held accountable, upholding integrity and behaving in a disciplined, honest, consistent and caring manner.

45) Develop an approach to deal with the growing ultra-left and fascist movements in our society and regain our hegemony.

46) Do away with the culture of recycling incompetent leaders, while we must embrace diversity, debate and ethical engagement.

47) We should constantly improve our leadership election system and the Electoral Committee and the Renewal Commission should examine future options including whether members should vote directly in leadership contests dependant on constitutional amendments.

48) Financial disclosures should be required from all leaders who stand for election or wish to be elected as public representatives. Lifestyle audits may also be undertaken where needed. All members of the ANC must be vetted, particularly in relation to criminal records.

On Building an outward-looking ANC with a clear programme that serves the people, Conference resolves that:

49) All ANC structures have to change their focus towards the people we serve and the problems and challenges they face in their daily lives.

50) We must build the capacity at grassroots level and in government to engage with the people, to develop evidence-based policies, programmes and projects and to deliver these effectively.

51) PEC’s, REC’s and BEC’s should have active sub-committees that deal with areas of concern such as education, health, safety, economic opportunities and other issues.

52) Every structure, every leader, every public representative, every member of cabinet, or MAYCO, will be assessed against the targets set for their engagement with the people and issues affecting them.

On dealing with misconduct, crime, corruption and ill-discipline, Conference

53) Reaffirmed the step-aside resolution of the 54th Conference. The future of the ANC and the trust of our people depend on its speedy and uniform implementation. We cannot as the governing party ask for the trust of the people, while deploying people charged with serious crimes. Conference urged the NEC to ensure that the regulations be implemented uniformly, impartially, consistently and fairly and not used to fight factional battles, and that the situation of those who stepped aside, may be reviewed every 6 months.

54) Urged the NEC, PECs and RECs to ensure that corruption cases and misconduct disciplinary hearings are speeded up. The Integrity Commission and the Disciplinary Committees in the ANC have to be held to deadlines that do not unduly prejudice affected comrades.

55) We must publicly dissoiate from those that are corrupt, commit serious crimes, abuse women and children, and are involved in sexual harassment.

56) Cadres who are charged should not wait for the ANC to tell them to step aside, but must do so before being asked. Their preparedness to protect the image of the ANC is also a measure of their level of political maturity and whether, in the first place, they deserved senior positions in the movement.

57) If at all any instances of abuse of the step-aside rule – such as false accusations and malicious prosecution – is identified and proven, this should be sanctioned to the maximum extent of the law and the ANC Code of Conduct.

On Accountability and Performance management, Conference resolved:

58) The ANC must strengthen accountability for Government interventions as instructed by the SGO. An ANC Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation Department must be established and fortified with appropriate mechanisms that should manage accountability and monitoring and evaluation of policy positions, including the implementation and progress thereof. All public representatives, including the Executive must report periodically against key performance areas

59) At national level the MPs and Caucus report to the NEC and are held accountable by the chief whip and the SGO. The president and cabinet also report to the NEC through the policy unit.

60) At provincial level the PEC should set up a similar policy monitoring structure under the Provincial Secretary’s office to hold MPLs to account together with the chief whip and the caucus. The premier and executive committee or cabinet also report to the PEC through then policy unit. At district level the councillors and mayors and chief whips report to the PEC and ANC caucus.

61) At local municipal level there is no adequate reporting mechanism and it is proposed that the sub-regional structures and the leadership of the ANC in council meet regularly to discuss ward issues, problems and municipal programmes.

62) At a ward level the ward councillor sits ex-officio in the BEC and reports every three months to the members in branch meetings and to the voters in public meetings.

63) To provide proper political management of polices and local government. The National Local Government Forum must be revived with all MECs, relevant ministers, Treasury, COGTA, SGO, Provincial Secretaries, Political Education, Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation and Elections committies. The structure must be replicated at provincial level to ensure accountability, speedy and coherent intervention where needed.

64) Long term policy imperatives must not be overshadowed by short term interventions. NEC members should participate but not lead in sub-committees in their respective area of deployment in Government. The NEC must, periodically, review the functionality and performance of sub-committees. Technical experts should moderate progress made on key performance areas/ indicators.

On Elections Campaign capacity, Conference noted and resolved that:

65) The 2024 national and provincial elections will be an important milestone in the history of our country, as we celebrate thirty years of democracy. All indications are that these sixth national and provincial elections will be particularly challenging, given our electoral decline since 2004.

66) Concerns of voters centered around poor performance of government (both local and national government), and feelings that the country is moving in the wrong direction. Our core supporters feel that we perform poorly on the economy and dealing with corruption, because we are a house divided.

67) The NEC therefore needs to establish the machinery for the 2024 elections as amongst its first tasks after Conference, including sufficient capacity for communications, mobilization, training, resources and voter education at all levels.

On Mobilising and organising motive forces and sectors

68) The mobilisation of motive forces requires that the ANC engage with critical sectors in society on an ongoing basis and not just during elections. We must involve community-based organisations to contribute to the renewal of the ANC.

69) For better coordination, targeted sectors must be allowed to organise into branches under strict conditions. This will attract many young skilled professionals into the fold of the ANC. We must also consider the needs of those who support the ANC but who are not members.

On strengthening the Alliance, Conference notes and resolves:

70) The dramatic dynamism as characterised by events locally and in the global arena, requires that the ANC in alliance with SACP and COSATU evaluate the progress made in achieving the NDR. This must include prioritised discussions on organisational and political relationships of the alliance partners and the transformation of the economy to achieve the goals of the NDR.

On Coalitions and Opposition

71) The ANC must build its capacities to manage and engage in the art and science of principled, stable and sustainable coalition building, and where appropriate as an effective, patriotic opposition, working for a better life for all.

Produced by the ANC Department of Information and Publicity

Issued by the African National Congress, Chief Albert Luthuli House 54 Pixley Seme Street, Johannesburg, 3 March 2023