ANC coalition: We won’t depart from our commitment - ActionSA

Party notes DA’s move to ANC, reaffirms pledge to being the alternative

ActionSA notes DA’s move to ANC, reaffirms commitment to being the alternative

2 June 2024

ActionSA notes the announcement made by DA Leader, John Steenhuisen, which confirms plans to negotiate a potential coalition with the ANC.

While the DA wishes to paint this decision as one necessitated by this election outcome, it must be clear that DA leaders have spoken in favour of a deal with the ANC consistently since 2019. Click here to see just a few of these examples.

ActionSA will be undertaking a two-day Senate Meeting tomorrow during which a position relating to the electoral outcomes will be determined and communicated. It is, however, unlikely that ActionSA will depart from its commitment to the South African people to not take the votes we received from South Africans seeking change only to give them to the very party that has created the crisis from which we need change 30 years into our democracy.

It appears that ActionSA may well have to ready itself to be the unofficial opposition in parliament, holding codependent parties accountable when their individual survival depends on the mutual avoidance of accountability.

Issued by Michael Beaumont, ActionSA National Chairperson, 2 June 2024