ANC grateful to those who didn’t join in national shutdown

Party says there is no place in SA for vigilantism and forceful removal of an incumbent govt

ANC statement on the so-called shutdown

20 March 2023

The African National Congress (ANC) expresses its gratitude to all South Africans who did not join the extremist and regressive so-called shutdown planned to take place on 20 March 2023.

In South Africa there is no place or tolerance for vigilantism and forceful removal of an incumbent government. The ANC is fully committed to doing what the people of South Africa expect, demand, and deserve.

The ANC acknowledges that everyone has the right to protest, and in line with the rule of law, all protest actions must be lawful. According to the Bill of Rights enshrined in our Constitution, no person or grouping may engage in an illegal protest action or impose their protest action on everyone who does not support it.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 20 March 2023