EFF condemns govt's appeal of ruling exempting schools etc. from loadshedding

To oppose such a legally sound, ethical and humane judgment is pure arrogance and constitutional delinquency

EFF condemns the decision by government to appeal High Court decision to exempt schools, hospitals and police stations from loadshedding

8 May 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns the callous and inhumane decision by the Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan, to appeal the North Gauteng High Court decision which has compelled ESKOM to provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity to all public schools, clinics, hospitals and police stations.

The High Court gave a succinct a direct instruction to Gordhan and the Department of Public Enterprises that they must within 60-days ensure that all public health establishments, state schools and South African Police Services stations must not be affected by loadshedding.

Instead of complying with this judgement, Gordhan in his typical arrogant fashion has resolved to appeal an instruction for him and his department to fulfil their Constitutional duties of provision of healthcare, education and policing.

The judgement by the High Court is based on the fact that healthcare, education and the provision of policing services are Constitutional rights that South Africans have been deprived of due to the man-made energy crisis in the country. In their quest to privatize ESKOM, Cyril Ramaphosa and Pravin Gordhan have jeopardized the lives of those in public hospitals, have undermined the right to education of those in public schooling facilities and have worsened the incapacity of SAPS to fight crime.

To oppose such a legally sound, ethical and human judgment is pure arrogance, constitutional delinquency and a reaffirmation of the disregard the ruling party has for ordinary people and the poor.

The EFF reiterates its call for the removal of Pravin Gordhan as he has once again shown his deep hatred for the people of South Africa, in service of his nefarious agenda of privatization.

The people of South Africa must understand the appeal by Cyril Ramaphosa's government as a direct attack on the people. It is a decision by government that the poor must to die in public hospitals, that children In public schools must be denied education and that crime must continue to spiral out of control.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 8 May 2023