Appointment of Janse Rabie to Climate Commission welcomed – Noko Masipa

DA MP hopes Agri SA exec's appointment becomes voice of agriculture in commission's work

DA welcomes appointment of AgriSA’s Janse Rabie to the Presidential Climate Commission

9 November 2022

The appointment of Mr Janse Rabie to the Presidential Climate Commission is a step in the right direction. He is currently AgriSA's legal and policy executive and also serves as the organisation’s Head of Natural Resources.

AgriSA’s key advocacy areas for farmers include conducive policies on land, legislation, environment, labour and trade. Rabie will serve as a farmer's voice on this commission that deals with the effects of climate change on the environment. This appointment comes at a time when farmers have been battling droughts, floods, and challenges of pests after a long drought.

The recent flood in KZN has caused 308 farmers an estimated amount of R220.9 million. These damages include infrastructures and infield damages. Losses as a result of unreliable energy, drought and pests have been heavily felt by many farmers.

The separation of Agriculture and Environmental portfolios at the start of the 6th term means that the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) must effectively collaborate and lobby its counterpart Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment in order to deal with agriculture climate issues. Both departments failed to respond effectively to climate challenges in agriculture because of poor coordination.

The DA hopes that this appointment becomes the voice of agriculture and assist both departments with planning that relates to the climate challenge mitigation strategies. The Climate Commission’s immediate challenge is to review all climate change plans for agriculture, create awareness and speedily implement strategies to assist farmers with the current climate crisis that is threatening food security.

The DA calls on the President and established commission to lobby for credit instruments and investment packages that are supportive of farmers that are challenged by climate change issues such as floods, droughts, and pests.

Issued by Noko Masipa, DA Shadow Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, 9 November 2022