AU’s expulsion of Israeli delegation welcomed – EFF

Fighters say all peace-loving Africans should give no audience to apologists of this cruel apartheid state

EFF statement on the expulsion of apartheid Israel government representatives from AU summit

19 February 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) welcomes the African Union (AU) ejection of the apartheid Israel government delegation at the AU summit.

The obnoxious accreditation of the apartheid Israel government by the African Union, must be revoked by the AU whose historic mission has and continues to be a policy of solidarity with the people of Palestine.

The AU should reign on Moussa Faki Mahamat, head of the African Union Commission who unilaterally accepted Israel's Moysa Fa's accreditation, triggering a dispute within the African community and all people who are rightfully opposed to the Apartheid Israel State.

The conduct of this Moussa Faki Mahamat should have encouraged the AU heads of states to suspend and investigate his treacherous decision to accept apartheid Israel, in flagrant defiance of a long standing practice of AU to isolate apartheid Israel.

The EFF calls on serious and immediate disciplinary action to be taken against Mousa Faki by the AU, and that all peace loving Africans hence forth give no audience to this conscience delinquent who has embarrassed Africa and placed our continent in the ranks of apologists of the cruel Israeli State.

The EFF will seek and sponsor a motion in the Pan African Parliament in furtherance of its mission to get the AU dismiss this apartheid apologist.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 20 February 2023