EFF condemns pure violence and barbaric behaviour in parliament

Fighters say scenes at SONA today are reflective of the kind of Presidency Ramaphosa leads

EFF statement on the violence in Parliament and the Parliamentary precinct during State of Nation Address

9 February 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns with contempt the pure violence and barbaric behaviour which occurred in Parliament this evening, which saw members of the Police, Members of the Presidential Protection Unit and individuals dressed in military fatigue, assaulting Members of Parliament.

In scenes that resemble countries which are under military dictatorship, Members of Parliament were violently attacked at the State of the Nation Address by a mob of what is presumably a mixture of law enforcement agencies, including possibly members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), who entered the Assembly chambers without any instruction from the Speaker of the National Assembly.

This violence was inflicted on Members, in order to prevent a peaceful protest and the display of placards raising concems on the actual state of the nation, after the Speaker undemocratically and unconstitutionally denied Members the right to raise points of order.

The scenes in Parliament today, are reflective of the kind of Presidency Ramaphosa leads. It is one of the suppression of democratic debate, abuse of state organs and law enforcement agencies to undermine accountability and unrepentant violence.

Ramaphosa is a dictator, who will weaponise the state at the slightest inconvenience or confrontation of his poor and destructive leadership.

Inside the Parliamentary precinct, Members of the Media were violently pushed and restricted from exercising their right to media freedom, in order to hide the violent scenes and abuse of Members. The abuse of media, the undermining of media freedom, coupled with their restriction of movement is the hallmark of the collapse of democracy. Only govemments that commit torture and human rights atrocities restrict access to the media during political confrontations and disputes.

The EFF remains determined to ensure that Ramaphosa is held accountable not only for his crimes at and in relation to Phala Phala Farm, but also for the role he continues to play in destroying South Africa. The EFF will take the Speaker of the National Assembly, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula to court, for violating the rights of Members of Parliament, and mistreating them as a group, instead of as individuals who have every right to speak in accordance with the rules.

South Africa has entered a phase where democracy is a thing of the past, and the democratic institution of Parliament which is constituted by duly elected Members through an election, has been defiled and violated today. The votes of our people have been disrespected and trampled upon, by the boots of thugs, police and military men, and our democracy sits at the altar of a sadistic puppet of imperialism called Cyril Ramaphosa.

We commend the EFF Parliamentary Caucus for its fearlessness, and commit to continuing the fight against Ramaphosa by any means necessary. We will continue to confront him wherever he rears his ugly head and make the comfortable uncomfortable, until his eventual resignation!

It's No Retreat, No Surrender!

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 10 February 2023