Branding at Eusebius McKaiser's funeral was routine - AVBOB

Company says it was never its intent, or that of its employees or contractors, to offend any person involved

Enquiries pertaining to the funeral of the late Mr Eusebius McKaiser -  July 2023

AVBOB received an open letter after hours on 10 July 2023 raising a number of issues pertaining to the funeral of the late Mr Eusebius McKaiser. This letter was simultaneously distributed to a number of news outlets.

First of all, we would again like to express our condolences to the family and friends of Mr McKaiser and in particular to his partner, Mr Nduduzo Nyanda. Our intention at all times is to provide an empathetic service to alleviate the trauma for the family and friends.

Our response to the matters raised in the letter are as follows:

In the letter it is stated that the funeral was used as a marketing opportunity. The basis for the claim being that the company logo was displayed on various items at the gravesite.

While it might be interpreted that the reason for this is pure marketing, this is not the intention. For practical reasons, it is commonplace to brand the tents and vehicles used during a funeral. The main purpose of this is to identify the funeral motorcade and the burial site. Multiple funerals are often executed simultaneously in the same area and the same cemetery and this branding assists mourners to follow the correct motorcade and go to the correct burial site in the cemetery. Banners or flags are also often erected in the cemetery for this purpose.

Where AVBOB provides the water and tissues for a funeral, this is routinely done using our own supplier and these items carry our brand. These items were removed on request of the family.

AVBOB usually brands the tombstones it supplies, as do most reputable suppliers. The reason is not to attain advertising value. The tombstone is branded in case it becomes damaged in the future. The probability of reaching the family after 10 or 15 years is often very low but the cemetery will be able to reach AVBOB easily to request that the stone be repaired. The branding on the tombstone is not compulsory and may of course be omitted at the request of the family. In this case, Mr Nyanda approved the wording on the tombstone, including the small discrete logo. AVBOB is, however, more than willing to remove the logo from the tombstone.

Despite the underlying reasons and intent, it is clear that in this case the presence of any form of brand identification at the funeral has caused offence.

We have acknowledged the issue experienced with the lowering device and the required repositioning of the casket during the ceremony. It is certainly not what we would expect from our service and we will address this internally.

It was our privilege to serve the family of Mr McKaiser. During the arrangements and the memorial service, AVBOB was thanked for the professional service that was rendered. At both church services the speakers, referred to AVBOB, thanking our personnel for going the extra mile in giving Mr McKaiser a dignified send off. It was never the intent of AVBOB or any of its employees or contractors to offend any person involved with the funeral and we unreservedly apologise for any offence caused.

We have been granted a meeting with Mr Nduduzo Nyanda, the partner of Mr McKaiser, on 21 July 2023 to discuss the matter.

Statement issued by AVBOB, 13 July 2023