Buti Manamela’s refusal to appear before SCOPA condemned – EFF

Fighters say this is not only a dereliction of duty but also blatant disregard for principles of transparency

EFF statement on the refusal of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Buti Manamela, to appear before SCOPA

3 September 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes, with grave concern, the refusal of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Buti Manamela, to appear before the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) to account for the gross mismanagement of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). This refusal to be held accountable is not only a dereliction of duty but also a blatant disregard for the principles of transparency and good governance.

It is unacceptable that the Deputy Minister, a public servant entrusted with the crucial responsibility of overseeing the higher education sector, chooses to evade accountability, especially on a matter as critical as the financial aid that supports our nation's youth. The mismanagement of NSFAS funds has had dire consequences on students and their families, with over 90,000 appeals still unresolved, leaving many young South Africans in a state of uncertainty about their educational futures. This negligence is an affront to the rights of the students who depend on NSFAS for access to education.

Moreover, the loss of over R5 billion from the National Skills Fund, which remains unaccounted for, is a shocking revelation that demands immediate attention. This is not just a financial scandal; it is a moral and ethical crisis that speaks to the deep-seated issues of corruption and mismanagement within our institutions. The fact that the Nexus report on the National Skills Fund was sealed is further abominable and we need a full account and publication of this report which was completed in 2022, and nothing was ever done about the shocking revelations contained therein.

The National Skills Fund was established to address the critical skills shortage in our country, and the disappearance of such a substantial amount of money undermines the future development of South Africa's workforce and economy.

The EFF commends SCOPA for its firm stance in refusing to convene a meeting with NSFAS officials without the presence of the relevant political authorities. This decision sends a clear and unequivocal message that accountability cannot be circumvented by the mere delegation of responsibilities to junior officials. The political authorities, including the Deputy Minister, must take full responsibility for the management of NSFAS and the National Skills Fund, as it is under their watch that these irregularities have occurred.

We do not accept the flimsy apology submitted by the Deputy Minister, which was clearly an attempt to placate public outrage without addressing the substantive issues at hand. It is unacceptable that a Ministry that employs two Deputy Ministers has neither of them available to appear before SCOPA to account for these significant failings. Both Buti Manamela (ANC) and Dr Mimmy Gondwe (DA) have shown absolute disregard to SCOPA and the general public whom they claim to represent. This absence of leadership and accountability is a slap in the face to the South African public, who deserve better from their leaders.

It is essential that SCOPA continues to exercise its mandate to ensure that public funds are used effectively and efficiently, and that those who mismanage these funds are held to account. The Minister of Higher Education needs to intervene immediately and ensure that the Deputy Minister appears before SCOPA. The Minister must also provide a detailed plan to address the unresolved NSFAS appeals and ensure that the missing R5 billion from the National Skills Fund is accounted for. The future of our youth and the integrity of our educational institutions depend on it.

In conclusion, the EFF stands firm in its demand for accountability and transparency from the Department of Higher Education. We will not rest until those responsible for the mismanagement of NSFAS and the National Skills Fund are brought to justice, and we will continue to fight for the rights of all students in South Africa.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 3 September 2024