By-election victories affirm coming change – DA Gauteng

Victories in Ekurhuleni and Lesedi highlight the growing belief in our province's potential under new leadership

Rising Tide: DA by-election victories affirm coming change in Gauteng

25 May 2023

As DA Gauteng Chair, I warmly congratulate Danie Putter and Yvonne Combrinck for their inspiring victories in the Ekurhuleni Ward 25 and Lesedi Ward 8 by-elections respectively. These democratic triumphs signal not just local successes but a significant shift in the political landscape of our province. We can feel things changing - and it is exciting, Gauteng!

The victories in Ekurhuleni and Lesedi highlight the growing belief in our province's potential under new leadership and the DA's unwavering commitment to delivering on our promises. We see voters standing with us, acknowledging that, despite the challenges, DA-led efforts to get our towns and cities back on track inspire hope and make the promise of a better future tangible.

We are seeing a new politics emerging, driven by the desire of South Africans to end an era of decline, and start a new one of delivery. We are seeing voters punish efforts to destabilise our governments. We are seeing voters reward a record of governing for growth and with grit. Today, we are one step closer to the formation of a new majority, a Moonshot Pact that can take the reins of provincial government and unleash the boundless potential of our people.

These by-election wins provide a glimmer of what the future can hold for Gauteng. A future led by leaders like Danie and Yvonne, who are deeply committed to their communities and put action above talk. This is just the beginning. We look forward to the next victory, and the many after that! And we look forward to the chance to bring positive, meaningful change.

Together, we are building a Gauteng where opportunity is abundant, and prosperity is within reach for all.

Issued by Fred Nel, DA Gauteng Chair, 25 May 2023