By-elections: Upward trajectory in KZN continues – IFP

Party snatches Ward 2 off ANC in Msunduzi Municipality as it grew its support dramatically

IFP continues on its upward trajectory in KZN by-elections

9 March 2023

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in KZN has snatched yet another large and highly contested Ward from the ANC in their stronghold of Msunduzi Municipality, Pietermaritzburg. 

The IFP claimed a resounding victory in yesterday’s highly contested by-elections in the Midlands, liberating the people of Ward 2 (Sweetwaters) from a factionalised and heartless ANC, which no longer cares about the wellbeing and development of the people of Msunduzi. 

In the Msunduzi Ward 2 by-elections, the IFP came out victorious with 2 408 votes, while the ANC only managed 1 649 votes, thus losing the Ward to the IFP.

The IFP has grown its support-base dramatically in Msunduzi Ward 2 since 2016, when the ANC captured 69% of the vote, with the IFP then only at 12% and the EFF on 11%. In 2021, the ANC dropped significantly to 38%, with the IFP on 11% and the EFF 14%. The votes gained in 2023 translated to 39% for the ANC, an exceptional jump to 58% for the IFP, with the EFF only managing a paltry 2%. 

This significant IFP victory in Msunduzi further decreases the dwindling support of the ANC in the Capital City, Pietermaritzburg, where it only got 48%, dipping below 50% in the 2021 Local Government Elections. 

Currently the ANC is governing Msunduzi with the assistance - and at the mercy - of an independent councillor. 

This IFP triumph will further weaken the ANC’s hold on uMsunduzi Municipality, forcing it to beg other parties to keep it in power. 

The IFP’s victory also gives opposition parties in Msunduzi an opportunity to unite and oust the ANC from power, as it has clearly failed the residents of Msunduzi.

It is disheartening to witness how the ANC has destroyed what once was a glorious and dignified Pietermaritzburg City, and reduce it to a filthy, unsafe and decaying City. 

This has resulted in most investors and businesses closing shop and leaving Pietermaritzburg.

The IFP is also grateful for the growth and huge show of support in uMshwathi Municipality in the Midlands and Ray Nkonyeni Municipality on the South Coast. 

In uMshwathi’s Ward 12 by-elections the IFP’s support increased tremendously, growing to 949 votes from the 95 votes it got in the 2021 Local Government Elections, while the ANC retained the Ward with 1 114 votes. 

In yesterday’s by-elections in Ray Nkonyeni Ward 24, the IFP displayed further growth with 1 274 votes - another huge improvement as it only got 333 votes in the 2021 Local Government Elections.

Despite not winning these Wards, we are encouraged by the IFP’s phenomenal growth, which clearly indicates that more and more people are trusting the IFP with their vote. 

The IFP would like to express its deep appreciation to all the voters who have given the Party their support, placing their belief and trust in the IFP during these challenging by-elections. The party is also highly indebted to its President Emeritus, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, for his legacy of a clean record of governance, servant leadership and diligence, which continues to appeal to the people of KZN and win hearts and minds for the IFP.

The IFP would like to extend its sincere thanks and appreciation to all its ground workers, volunteers and everyone who contributed to this resounding victory. 

The Party is expecting its newly elected Councillor in Ward 2 of Msunduzi Municipality, Sibusiso ‘Babashe’ Ntuli, to serve the people of Sweetwaters and the entire Msunduzi with dignity, diligence and honour.

Issued by Thami Ntuli, IFP KZN Provincial Chairperson, 9 March 2023