Cabinet expresses disapproval over The Spear

Freedom of expression shouldn't undermine President's right to human dignity

Statement on the Cabinet meeting of 30 May 2012

1 Jun 2012

Cabinet held its ordinary meeting in Cape Town on 30 May 2012

1. Current Affairs 

1.1 Executive Public Participation Programme 

Cabinet noted that on Saturday, 2 June 2012, President Jacob Zuma will conduct an infrastructure service delivery monitoring visit to Ngobi Moretele local municipality under the Bojanala Platinum District. The visit will illustrate progress on commitments made during the 2012 State of Nation Address. 

1.2 Mobilisation during June

President Jacob Zuma will officiate the Youth Day celebrations in the Eastern Cape on 16 June 2012, at the Wolfson, KwaZakhele Stadium in Port Elizabeth under the theme: "Together We Can Do More to Build Infrastructure and Fight Youth Unemployment, Poverty and Inequality"

June will also see celebrations around Environment Month under the theme: "Green Economy: Does It Include You?" The Department of Environmental Affairs will prominently communicate interventions which will ensure that youth are part of the green economy. 

Cabinet also noted that on 12 June the International Labour Organisation (ILO) will observe the 10th World Day against Child Labour. Cabinet calls on all sectors of society to partner with government and ‘Play Your Part' in removing this scourge which robs our young leaders of their rights. 

1.3 Human Dignity

Cabinet expressed its disapproval of the Brett Murray portrait that depicted the President in a denigrating manner. This depiction also showed disrespect for the office of the President and his culture that he shares with millions of people. 

Whereas government is a proponent of freedom of expression but Cabinet is of the firm view that this freedom should be exercised with responsibility and sensitivity and should not undermine the fundamental right to human dignity of the President and/or any citizen of this country.

1.4 Condolences

Cabinet expresses its condolences to the families and friends of the two South Africans who were killed in a fire on Monday, 28 May 2012 at Villaggio Mall in Doha, Qatar. Government also extends its sympathies to the government and people of Qatar, who lost loved ones in the devastating fire. 

1.5 The Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

The much-anticipated decision by the SKA Organisation to build the majority of the SKA in Africa has been welcomed. Cabinet congratulated the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the SKA and the SKA Project team, and extended appreciation to all South Africa's partner countries - Ghana, Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Zambia and Mozambique - for their continued support. 

1.6 International Agenda 

The International Africa ICT (Information Communication Technology) INDABA, which is endorsed by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), will take place in Cape Town from 4 to 7 June 2012. 

This Indaba seeks to amongst others:

  • Set up a continental agenda and policy expanding the growth of the ICT sector;
  • Bring new technology on the African soil;
  • Accelerate the development of Knowledge-Based Economy with a strong focus on job creation;
  • Increase international alliance to benchmark from and leverage on existing innovations to promote technology transfers;
  • Establish a singular networking platform;

Cabinet urges participants of the ICT INDABA to endeavour to set up a continental agenda and policy aimed at expanding the growth of the ICT sector. 

Cabinet commended the organisers for the successful hosting of the Global African Diaspora Summit. The productive and meaningful deliberations culminated in a Declaration which outlines a Programme of Action comprising key areas in political, economic and social cooperation. Cooperation in these areas will enable implementation of the Programme of Action following the Summit.

1.7 Sport and Recreation 

The Springbok rugby team will play three Test matches against England between the 9 and 23 June. 

Cabinet wishes the national team well and calls on all South Africans to support the Springboks and to welcome the English team with a warm African spirit. 

1.8 Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting on Higher Education

Cabinet noted that a two-day Extraordinary Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ministerial Meeting on Higher Education will be held in Johannesburg on 4 and 5 June 2012 to formulate a clear policy vision for higher education.

1.9 Agreement between South Africa and Cuba

Cabinet noted the agreement signed last week between the South African and Cuban Ministers of Health. This agreement will enable South Africa to use the capacity that Cuba has in the training of medical doctors. Through this new agreement we will now be able to increase the number of students who will be deployed to Cuba for medical training.

2. Decisions emanating from the work of clusters

2.1 Progress on the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project

Cabinet noted that the Deputy President will give a full media briefing on progress on the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project.

2.2 The completion of the ratification process establishing the Collaborative Africa Budget Reform initiative (CABRI) as an international organisation and the hosting of the CABRI secretariat by the government of South Africa

Cabinet noted recent developments in the CABRI network and approved the signing of the hosting agreement by the Ministers of Finance and of International Relations and Cooperation on behalf of South Africa.

CABRI is a professional network of senior budget officials from ministries of finance across Africa that seeks to promote efficient and effective management of public finances through the exchange of good practices and experiences among peers.

3 Key issues for noting

3.1 Change of name of Voortrekker Museum 

Cabinet noted the name change of the Voortrekker Museum to uMsunduzi Museum.

The Voortrekker Museum has completed a process to change its name to uMsunduzi Museum, reflecting the inclusive heritage of Pietermaritzburg. This change also reflects the fact that the museum is no longer a single-theme centre but a multi-themed institution catering for all cultures of KwaZulu-Natal. In keeping with this idea, the name that was chosen refers to the river that runs through the city.

4. Three Bills approved

4.1 The Tourism Draft Amendment Bill, 2012

Cabinet approved the Tourism Draft Amendment Bill, 2012 for submission to Parliament.

The Tourism Bill provides for:

  • The development and promotion of sustainable tourism for the social economic and environmental benefit of South African citizens and enjoyment of international visitors
  • The effective domestic and international marketing of South Africa as a tourist destination
  • The promotion of quality tourism products and services for growth, development and transformation of the tourism sector and
  • Enhanced cooperation and coordination among all spheres of government in developing and managing tourism.

4.2 Road Accident Fund (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill, 2012

Cabinet approved the Road Accident Fund (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill, 2012 for debate in Parliament.

The Road Accident Fund (Transitional Provisions) Bill, 2012 seeks to provide for transitional measures in respect of certain categories of third parties whose claims were limited under the old Act and give effect to the Constitutional Court judgment of Mvumvu vs Minister of Transport.

It is clear from the Constitutional Court that:

  • Parliament should devise a new regime applicable to a discrete category of road accident victims - that is those who were involved in accidents prior to 1 August 2008 and whose claims are capped by section 18 of the old Act.
  • The legislation should propose some middle ground which increases the compensation available to the victims but does not amount to full compensation.
  • The legislation should not have the effect of forcing all road accident victims affected to be subject to the Road Accident Fund Act, 1996 (Act 56 of 1996), as it stood after 1 August 2008, as this would retrospectively remove the rights that they had under the old Act.

4.3 Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Bill, 2012

Cabinet approved the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Bill, 2012 for submission to Parliament.

The main objectives of the review of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) Act is to address gaps that are caused by the lack of effective regulation of the private security industry, in particular the threat to national security posed by the participation of foreigners.

The PSIRA Amendment Bill, 2012 seeks to:

  • regulate foreign ownership and control of private security businesses in South Africa;
  • regulate operations of security firms outside the borders of the Republic,
  • provide for the role of the Regulatory Authority in promoting crime prevention partnership with organs of State;
  • provide for accountability of ("of", or "under a") Council of Authority, including the formulation of regulations on the transportation of cash and other valuables;
  • provide for a separate database on firearms issued to security service providers;
  • provide for limitations on the participation of certain persons with scheduled criminal records; and
  • provide for the funding of the Regulatory Authority by the State.

5. Appointments

5.1 Ms Nobayeni Cecilia Dladla was appointed Chief Operating Officer inthe national Department of Health.

5.2 Ms Modjadji Alidia Seabi was appointed Deputy Director-General: Women Empowerment and Gender Equality in the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities.

5.3 Mr Mosa Berry Mabuza was appointed Deputy Director-General: Mineral Policy and Promotion in the Department of Mineral Resources.

Cabinet congratulates the new appointees and wishes them well in their new responsibilities.

Statement issued by Jimmy Manyi, Cabinet Spokesperson, Government Communications (GCIS), June 1 2012

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