Changing the names of schools in the Western Cape Indicative of trends against minorities in the ANC – Magashule faction
15 September 2019
The elements of using the race card including changing names, and shifting blame and hate speech are all used when a political party or an individual is in the spotlight, either for corruption, mismanagement or structural failure. This is not new to the ANC nationally and provincially.
The ANC in the Western Cape’s call for changing the names of schools in this province because of their apartheid history is in the same mould. The sudden “concern” of the ANC in the Western Cape about this matter should not fool anyone in the 25th year since the transition to a democracy in 1994. Nor is it surprising because the ANC in the Western Cape is strongly aligned to the secretary-general of the ANC, Mr Ace Magashule, who often used the same tactics to divert attention away from his many problems.
Mr Magashule has become a master of crude racist undertones, hate speech, inflammatory statements and blaming minorities. Some examples:
“He then turned and said there are many others who have got ‘whitish colour’ the crowd don’t know about. They are there, you see them all (the) time but you can’t say this one (is a) likwer*kw*re, this one comes from somewhere else. They are here in this country. They have never been attacked and they are so-called foreigners because their colour is white”