Pretoria, Friday, 28 January 2011. Following the media release on extension of office hours, the Companies and Intellectual Property Office (CIPRO) has announced that it will be extending the deadline for submission of annual returns for business entities in deregistration until 21 February 2011.
Each company and close corporation has a statutory duty to lodge and pay annual returns with CIPRO every year, failure of which will result in the company or close corporation incurring a penalty for late lodgement and finally deregistration. CIPRO uses annual returns to confirm whether a company or close corporation is still doing business and to update its records of the latest information.
Due to the large volumes of calls and enquiries that CIPRO is experiencing, it has been decided to pro-actively extend the deadline for submissions allowing more time for customers to lodge company and close corporation annual returns. The extended office hours of the CIPRO Cape Town (1st floor, NBS building, Waldorf Arcade, 80 St. George's Mall) and Pretoria offices until 18:00 on weekdays will also continue until 21 February 2011 only for submission of annual returns.
Mr Lungile Dukwana, Acting Chief Executive Officer of CIPRO said: "We would like all business entities to have an opportunity to lodge their annual returns before we implement final deregistration. Hence, the implementation of the extended deadline and extra hours for lodging of annual returns".