Constitution Hill betrays its own principals – African Global Dialogue

Withdrawing venue and refusing to host policy conference on situation in Middle East undermines principles of free speech

Constitution Hill betrays its own principals in stifling nuanced debate

16 September 2024 

African Global Dialogue strongly condemns the recent decision by Constitutional Hill to withdraw its venue and refuse to host a policy conference on the situation in the Middle East. This capitulation to the demands of small group of extreme activists sets a dangerous precedent that undermines the principles of free speech and open dialogue. 

In December 2024, South Africa will host the G20 and in 2025 there will be over 200 G20 meetings taking place in the country. This will be a major opportunity for South Africa to help shape the global political agenda and to raise the concerns of African countries. In this context, the African Global Dialogue invited leading scholars and experts from South Africa, Africa and around the world to discuss the history, politics and law of the ongoing conflict, which has important consequences for our continent and the world.  

The purpose is simple. It is to provide an opportunity for policy makers and thought leaders to deepen their understanding of the complexities, constraints and opportunities for meaningful peace in the region, so that the new government can make evidence informed decisions in the international arena. The conference has a confirmed roster of panellists consisting of global thought leaders across the political spectrum.    

The event had also invited Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ronald Lamola and other parties in the GNU to participate on a final panel on South Africa’s role in the world. The African Global Dialogue is an event intended to strengthen policymaking in South Africa for South Africans.  

The African Global Dialogues had confirmed a distinguished roster of thought leaders who represent diverse perspectives essential to understanding the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict. This event was never about reinforcing one narrative, but rather about transcending binary thinking to find common ground and foster meaningful progress. 

By succumbing to pressure from activist groups, the management of Constitutional Hill has not only betrayed its commitment to free expression but has also emboldened those who seek to suppress ideas that they find offensive or challenging. Activists used stolen draft documents and false information to pressure participants, invitees, and other stakeholders. This is an example of the extreme and destructive nature of much of political discourse today – the precise problem that the African Global Dialogue seeks to address. 

Constitutional Hill is especially symbolic of what can be achieved when deeply divided parties come together to forge constructive ways out of a conflict. Just as South Africa faced deep divisions at the end of Apartheid and overcame them through a commitment to constitutional dialogue and reconciliation, the African Global Dialogue believes that a nuanced, empathetic approach is crucial for addressing the complexities of the Israel/Palestine conflict.

It is truly scandalous that a well-intentioned event, designed to bring together global experts for meaningful discussion, could be perceived as controversial. Those who have attempted to misrepresent this gathering should be ashamed of their actions. 

The African Global Dialogue conference will go ahead. Further details will be communicated. 

Issued by African Global Dialogue, 16 September 2024