COPE list process went smoothly - Ndzipho Kalipa

Party's focus now shifts to campaigning and consolidating voter support

COPE satisfied with Local Government Election list process

The Congress of the People is pleased by the outcome of its list process, which went smoothly and without hindrance. This Process could not have been completed without challenges, Kalipa said.

Provinces has forwarded their completed list to the Head Office for consolidation and to ensure that they were in-line with the National Guidelines In the guidelines consideration was given to gender, competency, age, geographical spread. The list process took place against the background of divisions within the party and therefore our consideration also included the issue of unity and inclusivity of Cope. Kalipa indicated that members from regions and voting districts who supported the former Deputy President have also defied people who impersonate Cope leaders and submitted their list.

The Congress Working Committee (CWC) will consider the issue of the mayoral committees and the nomination of mayors as per the mandate of the Congress National Committee (CNC). We like to thank all our members, our structures for the manner in which they have conducted themselves during the process and the communities for adding value to the process by participating. Our focus is now shifted to campaigning and consolidating our voters.

Statement issued by Ndzipho Kalipa, Cope Head of Elections, March 25 2011

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