COSATU supports Minister Lynne Brown in opposing the privatisation of State Owned Enterprises
Cosatu supports the Public Enterprises Minister, Ms Lynne Brown in her unmistakable opposition to the privatisation of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). This posture is totally in line with the position of the federation that SOE’s should be kept under the control of government, and be used as a tool for economic transformation and also to drive the developmental agenda of the state.
The call for the nationalisation of SOE’s is driven by the remnants of the neo-liberal agenda ,that promoted the privatisation of state owned assets after the adoption of GEAR policies in 1996. This call is the legacy of the globally rejected Structural Adjustment Programs that were promoted by the International Monetary Fund {IMF} and the World Bank in the eighties. These policies have never worked anywhere in the world and those calling for their reintroduction ,are not doing so in the interests of the majority of the people.
SOE’s should be reoriented towards the delivery of services. They should be given an explicit mandate to focus on the provision and the reduction of costs of basic services.
The task of fundamental transformation of our economy, the creation of decent work and the provision of basic services to the majority of our people cannot be left to the market forces.