Criminal Procedure Reform Committee appointed – Ronald Lamola

Investigation will culminate in a new Act that will repeal the outdated CPA, says minister

Media statement on the appointment of an Advisory Committee on Criminal Procedure Reform Investigation

13 December 2023

Mr Ronald Lamola, Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, has, in terms of section of section 7A(1)(b)(ii) of the South African Law Reform Commission Act, 1973 (Act 19 of 1973), appointed the following persons as members of the Advisory Committee on Criminal Procedure Reform Investigation (CPR Investigation):

1. Judge Malesela Francis Legodi, retired Judge President of the Mpumalanga Division of the High Court;

2. Ms Matshego Jacqueline Ramagaga, a senior practicing attorney (Pretoria);

3. Prof Lukas Muntingh, a professor of law and Director of the Dullah Omar Institute at the University of the Western Cape;

4.  Prof Nina Mollema, a professor of law at the University of South Africa (UNISA);

5.  Prof Lorizzo Concetta, a professor of law and associate researcher for the Africa Criminal Justice Reform at the University of the Western Cape;

6. Dr Mabowa Thomas Mokoena, a professor of law at the Unisa;

7. Ms Colette Ashton, an attorney who specialises in Non-trial Resolutions and Deferred Prosecutions Agreements;

8. Mr John Baloyi, a retired Regional Magistrate.

The appointments are with immediate effect and for the duration of the CPR Investigation. The Investigation is one of the flagship projects of the South African Law Reform Commission.

The Investigation entails a comprehensive review of the Criminal Procedure Act No.51 of 1977 (CPA) and all other apartheid-era legislation that concern the conduct of criminal trials in the lower and superior courts. The review of the CPA constitutes one of the priorities of the sixth administration enshrined in the 2019-2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). It is critical to government’s quest to creating an accessible, effective and modern criminal justice system that ensures fair and just resolution of criminal infringements for accused persons and victims of crime alike. The Investigation will culminate in a new Act that will repeal the outdated CPA.

“Together, the appointed members bring a remarkable blend of expertise and skills across the various thematic areas of the criminal justice value-chain – be it pre-trial, trial, post-trial cross-cutting thematic areas. Their contribution is critical to the overall improvement of the system, from crime reporting to investigation, arrest, prosecution, adjudication, legal representation, sentencing, and rehabilitation and a system which is victim oriented” Minister Lamola reiterated.

Issued by Chrispin Phiri, Spokesperson: Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services, 19 December 2023