DA practising separate development in Midvaal - YCL

League says municipal jobs and tenders also dependent on DA membership

Statement on separate development in Midvaal

Sunday, 12 August 2012

The DA doesn't care about poor and working class communities especially Africans. This was confirmed today by households and communities in Midvaal that were covered by door to door and community meetings we together with the South African Communist Party (SACP) conducted as part of our Know your Neighbourhood Campaign.

Among others communities in the Sicelo Shiceka area, wards 08 and 10
and other areas, wards 01, 05, 06, and 11, were covered in the campaign. These communities are characterised by conditions of abject poverty, unemployment, crime, informal settlements and are definitely marginalised by the DA controlled local municipality. The DA neglects these communities and exploits them in the delivery of basic services in favour of the rich.

At meetings it was reported that access to limited social services including employment in the municipality and business opportunities is determined on the basis of DA membership. Community members reported that some of them and their family members were thus wrongfully forced to take up DA membership.

As the YCLSA we characterised the state of service delivery in these communities as absolutely non existent. Meanwhile rich communities, of which are historically white because of colonial and apartheid past are prioritised. In general service delivery in Midvaal reflects the ideology of separate development and the mentality of white supremacy. As the YCLSA we are deeply offended by this state of affairs.

The experience of our people in Midvaal "provide undisputed evidence why the poor and the working class communities must never vote for the DA" an old lady said at a meeting.

But as the YCLSA we shall not wait for election only to have our people taken seriously. We shall work together with them to confront the DA regime. Soon we shall announce, together with the SACP, a mass campaign which we believe under the circumstances represents the only way forward.

Statement issued by Alex Mashilo, YCL Provincial Secretary on behalf of the YCLSA in Gauteng Province, August 12 2012

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