ANC meets with Contralesa in discussions on role of traditional leaders in GNU

Party reaffirms Congress of Traditional Leaders as an important stakeholder that has been an integral part of ANC

ANC meets with Contralesa in discussions on role of traditional leaders in the GNU

25 June 2024

The African National Congress (ANC) appreciates the continued relationship with the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) which brings together traditional authorities who identify broadly with the liberation movement. In the spirit of organisational renewal, the ANC recommits itself to work with traditional leaders in the interest of our movement and country at large.

At the meeting between ANC and Contralesa leaders at Luthuli House on Monday, 24th June 2024, the ANC reaffirmed that Contralesa is an important stakeholder that has been an integral part of the work of the ANC and society at large.

The Statement of Intent (SOI) signed by 10 political parties commits the GNU parties "to an all-inclusive National Dialogue process with parties, civil society, labour, business and other sectors - to discuss these and other critical challenges facing the nation. The National Dialogue process will seek to develop a national social compact that enables the country to meet the aspirations of the National Development Plan." (SOI, Clause 12. 2024)

The Statement of Intent commits the GNU to "Stabilising local government, effective cooperative governance, the assignment of appropriate responsibilities to different spheres of government and review of the role of traditional leadership in the governance framework" (SOI, Clause 11.3. 2024)

The ANC and Contralesa have committed to sustain constant communication and agreed to continuous engagements on issues pertaining to traditional leaders. Contralesa further committed themselves to encourage all political parties to embrace the good faith intentions of the ANC on the formation of the GNU in the national interest.

The ANC appreciates that CONTRALESA has already put together a Working Group on the role of Traditional Leaders in the GNU. In preparation for the national dialogue, we will work with Contralesa in a coordinated manner in all provinces on inputs regarding the role of Traditional Leaders in the GNU.

The ANC continues to engage with all parties and stakeholders as part of our commitment to build a stable South Africa with the ANC-led GNU.

Let's do more, together.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 25 June 2024