Don’t fall for Presidency’s NHI coaxing any longer - Solidarity

Movement says South Africans must turn their backs on presidential health compact and demand Act be repealed

Don’t fall for Presidency’s NHI coaxing any longer, Solidarity warns 

19 August 2024  

Turn your back on the presidential health compact and demand that the National Health Insurance Act (NHI) be repealed.

That is Solidarity’s recommendation to organisations that are also targeted by the government with its so-called health compact.

This compact has been postponed for the time being due to a lack of support, with the business pressure group Business Unity South Africa (Busa) and the South African Health Professionals Collaboration (SAHPC) already indicating that they are not in favour of the compact.

Solidarity believes that this compact’s goal is to raise support for the NHI, and according to Theuns du Buisson, economic researcher at the Solidarity Research Institute (SRI), this is done precisely because no one apart from the government actually still believes that the NHI is workable.

“It is very clear that this compact would be just another opportunity for the government to try to create the impression that the private sector supports the NHI, when this is not the case at all. We encourage other groups not to sign this compact, as is the case with Busa.

“For the Presidency we say he should much rather send the NHI back to parliament. Repeal the NHI and start working on a new law compiled with the assistance of real transparent consultations with interest groups,” Du Buisson said.

According to Du Buisson the government is in a predicament with the NHI as they are desperate to show how the NHI is enjoying support, while the opposite is true.

“Obviously, the government is trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes. The NHI is a swine they want to dress up with lipstick and nice clothes and present as something beautiful, but South Africans know it is still a swine and they do not want it.

“There are fundamental shortcomings to the NHI that cannot be hidden, and even if the government refuses to admit it, it is necessary for the private sector and the public to see it for what it is,” Du Buisson said.

Solidarity served its court documents against the NHI Act on the government in May and will continue full steam ahead with the litigation until an indication is given that the NHI will be repealed.

Issued by Theuns du Buisson, Economic Researcher: Solidarity Research Institute (SRI), 19 August 2024