EFF is engaging in workplace terrorism
19 January 2022
Today’s planned visit by EFF leader Julius Malema to a number of restaurants in order to “check the employment ratio between South African citizens and foreign nationals” is more than just a desperate exercise in xenophobic, political grandstanding masquerading as legislative oversight. It amounts to a form of workplace terrorism and should be roundly condemned.
The idea that Julius Malema has the authority to impose himself on a private employer – armed, like an apartheid-era labour inspector, with a clipboard and a kit to conduct a kind of pencil-test – is both laughable and dangerous.
Unfortunately, this is just another staged event in the EFF’s ongoing campaign of throwing its weight about the workplace even though it has no legal standing or right to do so.
This populist party with little or no coherent policies will seemingly do anything to attract attention themselves with scant regard for the rule of law.