EFFSC triumphs in Wits SRC elections

Fighters take 12 out of 15 seats, with three seats going to PYA

EFF wins Wits SRC elections

Johannesburg – The Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) took 12 out of 15 seats at the University of the Witwatersrand's Student Representative Council (SRC) elections held on Thursday, a university spokesperson said.

"Three seats went to the PYA (Progressive Youth Alliance)," added Buhle Zuma, senior communications officer at the university.

The PYA is made up of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), the Young Communists League and the Muslim Students Association.

The student movement was delighted by the victory.

EFF leader Julius Malema could not help taking a dig at former fellow ANCYL official Fikile Mbalula, who is now the Minister of Police, over the results.

The victory comes as student politicians move to centre stage to raise national socio-economic concerns with massive protests over decolonisation of the institutions, and a #FeesMustFall campaign that saw the government pumping millions more into support for poor students.
