Court rulings on Eskom and power cuts: National government can no longer evade the problem
27 January 2021
Recent court rulings that prohibit Eskom from cutting municipalities' power supply if the decision is deemed "irrational and unfair" and that require National Treasury to be involved in the process are sending a clear message to the national government that it can no longer evade the problem.
In the most recent judgement delivered in the High Court in Bloemfontein, the court found that municipal debt to Eskom must be settled through negotiations and in consultation with the National Treasury.
The FF Plus welcomes this step. Relevant legislation already stipulates that the provincial Executive Committee, the National Energy Regulator (Nersa) and the National Treasury must cooperate to find solutions to the debt disputes between municipalities and Eskom.
These legal requirements must now be complied with and the national government can and must step in to remedy the situation. It can no longer try to evade the problem or attempt to fix it in mere cosmetic ways, like appointed yet another task team which achieves nothing.