Expropriate unoccupied farms used for criminal activities – EFF Limpopo

Fighters say farms in the province have become an alternative hub of hard core criminals and terrorists

EFF statement on SAPS pouncing on an illegal security training camp in Modimolle

12 August 2024

The EFF Limpopo calls on the government to immediately Expropriate without compensation unoccupied farms and farms which are used for criminal activities.

We further commend the Hawks, Tactical Response Team (TRT), Public Order Police (POP) and Modimolle SAPS for pouncing on an illegal training camp in Modimolle. They must intensify these raids to expose more of the illegal activities taking place in farms around the province.

Limpopo farms are notorious for numerous illegal activities and it is confirmed that they have become an alternative hub of hard core criminals and terrorists.

We therefore call on government to establish a multi-disciplinary order restoration team comprising of security cluster to visit all farms and verify if illegal activities are not taking place. Such a team must employ sophisticated technology including drones to perform 24 hrs unannounced aerial views. The EFF further calls on government to without delay Expropriate Without compensation any farm that is not in use and any farm that is found to be used for criminal activities. Such expropriated farm must never be given to ANC factions or privileged individuals who benefited from the system.

The recent discovery of military related arms and items licensed or not, seeks to undermine the South African sovereignty and democracy. We will never allow all our farms to be used by terrorists, racists and drug lords.

Issued by Jacob Lebogo, Provincial Spokesperson, EFF Limpopo, 12 August 2024