Extension of Zim Exemption Permits not long-term solution – EFF

Fighters say granting six month extensions is an unnecessary workload to an already incompetent DHA

EFF notes the decision by Department of Home Affairs to extend Zimbabwean Exemption Permits

8 June 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes the decision by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to further extend the Zimbabwean Exemption Permits (ZEP) till December 2023.

While this decision is necessary in the immediate, it is not a viable long-term solution. Granting six months extensions is an unnecessary workload to an already incompetent DHA. It results in hefty administration coupled with spiralling costs to the public purse. At worst, it creates additional opportunities for more corruption at a department already riddled with corruption.

Currently, the DHA has an endless delay in processing new visa applications from Zimbabweans who were advised to do so upon the suspension of the ZEP. This unnecessary workload has a ripple effect in that the DHA fails to issue birth certificates, identity documents, passports, marriage certificates etc timeously.

The EFF has, for 10 years, advocated for a Pan-Africanist approach that includes permit and visa free movement of Africans between African states. Besides this being a fundamental move towards a United Africa, it immediately resolves the administration and costs associated with processing permits and visas by DHA.

South African voters must remove the ANC Government in 2024 to avoid similarly lining up for permits and visas to other African states for survival. It is the ANC Government that has delivered unprecedented levels of unemployment, crime, and failing public health and education systems.

It is only an EFF Government that is capacitated and committed to advance the Pan-African agenda that will materialise the wellbeing of Africans across the continent.

Issued by Sinawo Thambo, National Spokesperson, EFF, 9 June 2023