Fish Hoek High: No disciplinary action taken by WCED – David Maynier

WCape Minister says staff member employed by SGB resigned, and he will look into reasons

Statement by Minister Maynier Western Cape Minister of Education

24 January 2023

WCED has not taken any disciplinary action against any staff member at Fish Hoek High School We have noted a recent statement about events which took place at Fish Hoek High School on Monday 31 October 2022.

We have been clear that what happened caused hurt and division, and the intervention was terminated the very next day, on Tuesday 1 November 2022. An investigation was launched immediately to ensure accountability for the events that took place and to ensure that it never happens again.

The investigation is ongoing, and the Western Cape Education Department has not taken any disciplinary action against any staff member at the school regarding the events. We have been informed that a staff member employed by the School Governing Body, not the Western Cape Education Department, resigned, and we will enquire as to the reasons for the resignation.

We appeal to all political parties and the public to allow the investigation to be completed, and to avoid any disruption of teaching and learning at Fish Hoek High School.

Issued by Kerry Mauchline, Spokesperson to Minister David Maynier, 24 January 2023