Free State Health System in Collapse - Lives are Being Lost
Urgent & Immediate Intervention from Minister of Health needed
JOHANNESBURG - The Free State health system is collapsing with stock outs of more than 200 essential drugs and supplies at the provincial depot, desperate health workers begging for help and stock outs of supplies needed for critical investigations such as electrocardiographies (ECGs).
ECGs monitor heart activity for various medical procedures. Out of stock drugs at the depot include antiretrovirals, antibiotics, pain killers, meningitis treatment, anti-psychotic medication, anti-rabies drugs, high blood pressure medication and epilepsy medicine. Supplies include anti-TB masks for health workers and solution to sterilise theatre equipment. The depot also has no HIV tests.
A doctor working at the hospital in Bloemfontein reported to SECTION27 that they are increasingly running out of essential devices which they need for lifesaving procedures. These devices include infusion sets (connects the infusion bag to the venous catheter), central venous lines (a catheter placed into a large vein in the neck , chest or groin to administer medication or fluids, especially in emergency situations and in critically ill patients) and spinal needles (used for spinal anaesthesia and lumbar punctures to test for among others meningitis).
"Many day and district hospitals are unable to write ECGs due to lack of paper or electrodes (the stickers placed on the chest), but you cannot diagnose a myocardial infarction (heart attack caused by poor blood flow to the heart) or arrhythmias (problems with the rate or rhythm of the heart beat) in severely ill patients, or start an extensively drug resistant TB patient on Bedaquiline, without writing an ECG," a doctor said.