Despite efforts to stay within budget, the Gauteng Health and Social Development Department is heading for a R1.7 billion overspend in this financial year.
This is the department's own projection contained in the Second Quarterly Report of the Gauteng Department of Finance that was recently tabled in the Gauteng Legislature.
Compensation of Employees is the biggest component of this over-expenditure, amounting to R1.254 billion. According to the report "The pressures are attributed to carry through effect of the Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD), additional personnel, increased overtime expenditure."
Part of the reason for the increased overtime and personnel expenditure is extended hours, including Community Health Centres that now operate on a 24 hour basis.
A disturbing trend that is identified is that "Health Department payments (are) crowding out those of the Social Development Branch due to the limited availability of funds - for instance, during Q2, no actual funds were transferred to Non-Profit Organisations".