Good news: Media24 retains seasoned journalists – Pieter Groenewald

FF Plus leader says this was the right decision; even though it took much public pressure

Good news: Media24 retains seasoned journalists

1 August 2024

The FF Plus is grateful that reason and sound judgement prevailed in Media24's decision not to lay off any newspaper journalists as part of the group's planned restructuring.

Without experienced and seasoned journalists, the search for truth and the disclosure of irregularities will inevitably dwindle.

One cannot put a price on accurate and credible information in a time where fast-growing information technology floods the world and there is a growing gap between truth and fiction.

In this chaotic explosion of information where people often value posts on social media platforms, such as Facebook and X, more than reported facts, retaining and protecting professionals who pursue the truth has become critically important.

The same goes for conserving formal companies that cherish and protect this dwindling expertise.

The information future lies ahead, but the world already has an idea of what it entails.

So, everyone who starts their day by reading or hearing news in some or other form must find it absolutely credible. Without it, everyone will be in the dark and social media will increasingly become an apparently credible source of information. That should not happen.

Media24's decision to retain the journalists, despite the closure of printed newspapers, such as Rapport, City Press and Daily Sun, was the right decision; even though it took much public pressure to take this decision.

Issued by Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader and minister of correctional services, 1 August 2024


Solidarity pleased that Media24 journalists are to be spared after all

Movement will however continue negotiations about the retrenchment process

1 August 2024

Solidarity is pleased to learn that its sustained pressure, together with pressure from the wider media landscape and from the public, has led to the retention of 66 editorial positions at Media24.

These positions mainly affect journalists of the print newspapers Media24 wants to dispense with in the near future. 

It is further encouraging to learn from Media24 itself that it intends after all to let both Beeld and Volksblad continue to exist digitally.

These titles would have been sacrificed entirely. 

Yet, Solidarity makes it clear that it will continue negotiations about the retrenchment process.

“Despite the latest events several of our members are still affected by the intended retrenchments. Solidarity will also demand transparency and fairness for these employees.

“We are still monitoring the process and expect compliance with all legal requirements and will certainly aim for the best outcomes for all our members,” Johan Roos, organiser of the Solidarity Communication and Marketing Network said.

Solidarity encourages Media24 to remain in talks with it and asks for ongoing meaningful consultation.

Issued by Johan Roos, Spokesperson, Organiser: Communication and Marketing Network, 1 August 2024


AfriForum welcomes retention of Media24 journalists

Organisation says preservation of print media remains a matter on which it feels strongly

1 August 2024 

AfriForum welcomes the news that 66 journalists out of the approximately 400 who, according to initial reports, would have lost their jobs at Media24, will be retained. The fact that the retention of titles including BeeldRapport and City Press is also being reconsidered, even if online only, is also positive.

According to Alana Bailey, AfriForum’s Head of Cultural Affairs, it is essential for the survival of quality journalism in South Africa and especially in Afrikaans that the experience and expertise of these seasoned media people should be retained. According to her, the reconsideration of Media24’s savings measures also proves the value of pressure from civil society to ensure that their interests are not compromised.

“In the current era where fake news and erroneous reports created by artificial intelligence programmes threaten reliable journalism and ethical reporting, it is essential that news sources that are subject to quality control and institutions such as the Press Ombudsman must be protected and retained,” Bailey states. She points out that media companies cannot be compared to other businesses, as the media has a great responsibility towards the public and can literally influence matters of life and death.

“More journalists also mean more perspectives and direct representation throughout the country, plus less recycling of the same reports, which is essential to keep people informed and help them to have informed opinions.”

“Especially for the future of Afrikaans as a high-functioning language, a dynamic and extensive media representation and reporting is of the greatest importance. Journalists are often the ones who first develop vocabulary and introduce new technology intelligibly to the Afrikaans reading community. Fewer Afrikaans journalists necessarily also mean a shrinking of this creative pool, which is neither in the interest of the language, nor the language community,” she says.

The preservation of print media remains a matter on which AfriForum feels strongly. Hopefully there will also be good news in this regard in the future.

AfriForum’s petition against the closure of the newspapers is still available and the public can sign it at www.redrapport.co.za.

Issued by Alana Bailey, Head: Cultural Affairs, AfriForum, 1 August 2024