Gross violation of human rights in Palestine-Israel conflict condemned – ATM

We as a nation must uphold the principles of justice, human dignity, and self-determination for all peoples

ATM condemns the continuous gross violation of human rights in the Palestine-Israel conflict

8 November 2023

The African Transformation Movement – (ATM) unequivocally condemns the continuous violations of human rights in the Israel-Palestine conflict. It is a humanitarian crisis that demands our collective outrage and immediate attention. We cannot remain silent while innocent civilians, including the most vulnerable, suffer the devastating consequences of this protracted conflict. We, as a nation, must uphold the principles of justice, human dignity, and self-determination for all peoples, including the Palestinian people.

We express our full and unwavering support for the South African government's decision to recall all South African diplomats from Israel. This is a crucial step that signifies our nation's commitment to the principles of justice and human rights. We must stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, just as the world once stood with us during our own struggle against apartheid. Our history serves as a stark reminder of the value of global support in the face of oppression and injustice.

Furthermore, we strongly condemn the actions of Israel's ambassador to South Africa.

Diplomacy should be conducted in a manner consistent with international law and principles of mutual respect. When such actions undermine these principles, they demand our swift and resolute response.

It is against that background that we firmly call for the immediate expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to South Africa. His recent comments, which show a complete disregard for the lives lost and an insensitivity to South Africa's painful apartheid history, are unacceptable and undermine the principles of diplomatic decorum.

Diplomats are expected to conduct themselves with respect for the host country's history and values. Such comments only further exacerbate the wounds of history, and it is essential that our nation takes a principled stand by expelling the ambassador responsible for these remarks. South Africa's history teaches us the importance of empathy and understanding in international relations, and we must insist on diplomatic conduct that respects the sensitivities and struggles of all nations.

In our fight against apartheid, we learned the profound significance of international solidarity and support. We cannot remain silent when faced with gross violations of human rights. The parallels between our own painful history and the Israel-Palestine conflict are undeniable, and we must use our experience of reconciliation, justice, and transformation to advocate for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.

We must take all necessary precautions to ensure that South Africa is not complicit in these grave human rights violations. Our nation's dedication to human rights should be unwavering, and we must strive to set an example for the world by defending these fundamental principles.

The ATM calls for South Africa’s unwavering commitment to justice, peace, and the protection of human rights in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Let us be a voice for the voiceless and work diligently towards a future where both Israelis and Palestinians can coexist in peace and security.

Issued by Zama Ntshona, National Spokesperson, ATM, 8 November 2023