Here's the evidence of Eskom's plan to weed out white men - Solidarity

SOE wants to reduce number in skilled maintenance roles from 1 873 now to 1 379 in 2025

Solidarity exposes Eskom’s plans to get rid of white men

29 January 2023

Solidarity today exposed on social media the numbers cited in Eskom’s plans to get rid of white men. (Two slides with screen shots from Eskom’s plan are attached.)

This comes after Eskom tried to deny clumsily in a statement that it planned to get rid of 500 white members of staff. This statement is spiteful and, as to its facts, it is totally mistaken.

Instead of denying and disguising facts, Eskom should rather halt the plans.

According to Eskom’s latest race plans, it wants to get rid of around 500 white men in the skilled and academically qualified category before 2025. These targets are stated very clearly in Eskom’s plans.

The current number of white men at Eskom totals 1 873. According to Eskom’s targets, it wants to reduce this number to 1 379. Eskom therefore wants to get rid of 494 white men.

This is the group that is mainly responsible for maintenance work at Eskom. Those are the employees with the skills that now need to be protected and preserved at all costs.

Plans to get rid of more white people are to the detriment of the individuals, Eskom and of South Africa.

In the statement Eskom elaborates on the fact that it is not going to retrench people, No one, and certainly not Solidarity, said people were going to be retrenched. Retrenchment as a means to achieve race targets is unlawful. Employers make use of appointments, promotion and attrition to reach their targets. Eskom must explain how it wants to get to its absurd targets.

Solidarity already addressed a letter to Eskom, demanding that a moratorium be placed on racial transformation. Should Eskom proceed with its plans, Solidarity will consider litigation.

Current racial composition:

Goal for 2025:

Statement issued by Dr. Dirk Hermann, Solidarity: Chief Executive, 29 January 2023