Johannesburg's demise cemented – DA

Party tabled a motion calling for dissolution of council so that new elections can be held but it was rejected

Johannesburg's demise cemented

16 August 2024

The events that unfolded in the Johannesburg City Council today will predictably have dire consequences for the City.

In order to deal with the inherent instability of Johannesburg's fractured, multi-party coalition, the Democratic Alliance (DA) tabled a motion calling for the dissolution of council so that new elections can be held. This motion was rejected. All other parties united behind the ANC to elect Cllr Dada Morero as the City's 12th Mayor in 8 years.

The parties that supported the ANC against the DA candidate, Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku, were ActionSA, EFF, PA, IFP, FF+, ACDP, Al Jama-ah, AIC, AHC, Good, ATM, UDM, Cope, PAC, UIM and the APC.

These parties could have sided with the DA's track record of service delivery, good governance, and accountability. But they decided to align themselves with the ANC's legacy of corruption and decline.

Those responsible for sinking the ship that is Johannesburg, will not be the ones to rescue it. Parties were given an alternative to the ANC today. Instead of doing the right thing by Johannesburg residents, they chose positions in a coalition that has already demonstrated its incapacity to govern.

Today, the road to 2026 has been laid out clearly in the Johannesburg Council Chamber.

The DA’s role in opposition and oversight body has always been focused and strong. We will always put the residents of Johannesburg first.

Issued by Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku, DA Johannesburg Caucus Leader, 16 August 2024