May we never allow another Pravin Gordhan to rise again – EFF

Fighters say late minister's legacy is one of failure, exploitation, and corruption

EFF statement on death of Pravin Gordhan

13 September 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes the death of Pravin Gordhan without any pretence of sorrow. Gordhan was a man whose legacy is deeply intertwined with the destruction of our state-owned enterprises and the betrayal of the people of South Africa. We cannot mourn counter progressive forces that stood against the potential of building a successful, sovereign country that serves its people. Instead, we are reminded of the wreckage he leaves behind—wreckage that has ravaged the lives of ordinary South Africans.

His rise within the ANC ranks led to his appointment as the Minister of Finance in 2009 under President Jacob Zuma, a position he held until 2014, and then again from 2015 to 2017 after briefly stepping down. However, Gordhan had already been pointed out earlier for his destructive role in the struggle for liberation when he was named by ANC President Oliver Tambo as a key member of the secret Indian cabal of the 1980s.

The cabal was notorious for the prosecution of Mama Winnie Mandela, which was rejected by our people. Later on, Gordhan also admitted to the formation of the notorious rogue unit within South African Revenue Service (SARS) which terrorised political rivals on behalf of white monopoly capital, and which Commander-in-Chief Julius Malema was a target of.

In 2018, Gordhan was appointed Minister of Public Enterprises under President Cyril Ramaphosa, a move that signalled his role in "cleaning up" the very state-owned enterprises that would later deteriorate under his leadership. It is here, in his final public role, that Gordhan would preside over the disintegration of South Africa's most critical state assets.

Gordhan was the embodiment of greed, corruption, and elitism. His tenure as Minister of Public Enterprises was a period of unparalleled disaster for every state-owned enterprise he touched. Under his leadership, Eskom became a shadow of its former self, plunging this country into a permanent state of load-shedding, while blackouts shattered livelihoods and businesses across the nation. Transnet, which once facilitated the efficient movement of goods, is now in ruins, barely able to function.

Denel, a proud defence company, was brought to its knees, while SAA, our national airline, was sold off in a corrupt deal that reeks of treason. The infamous SAA Takatso deal, which Gordhan orchestrated, remains one of the most scandalous examples of how he sold out our nation's assets for private interests.

The deal was inexplicable, underhanded, and deliberately designed to benefit a select few at the expense of the many. Even now, the full extent of its treachery has not been properly scrutinised because Gordhan, a man at the centre of corruption, evaded accountability at every turn.

In fact, in his final days as Minister, Gordhan brazenly spat in the face of South Africans, refusing to account to them. When summoned to appear before Parliament — the very institution through which he was supposed to answer to the people of South Africa — he arrogantly and unapologetically declared that he would not comply, showing his utter disdain for the people of South Africa.

His unchecked power allowed him to operate with impunity, and now he dies with his crimes unpunished. Every collapsed enterprise and every failure that left hundreds of thousands unemployed is part of Pravin Gordhan's shameful legacy. As an unapologetic instrument of capitalism, he deliberately dismantled the very entities meant to uplift and develop our nation. His actions directly contributed to the high levels of unemployment, leaving countless families who are still suffering in silence.

Gordhan betrayed the workers, the poor, and the oppressed, and he did so without a shred of remorse.

We will not shed a tear for the likes of Pravin Gordhan, nor will we celebrate the false legacies created by his apologists. He will be remembered for his role in stifling the growth of our nation, destroying the hopes of millions, and enabling the collapse of our state entities. His death comes before he could face justice, but those left behind will continue to suffer the consequences of his betrayal as a Minister of Public Enterprises.

Gordhan's legacy is one of failure, exploitation, and corruption. May we never allow another Pravin Gordhan to rise again.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 13 September 2024